Tier 1 could start with a basic tank locomotive which would be easy to build( 1 steam engine, 1 tank, 20 steel?) it could burn all solid fuels. The cons would be it would use water as a resource, only have 1 fuel slot, and would have a max car limit of 3. It would be almost like what normal people use trains for, just using them to haul ore between the main base and whatever outpost.
Tier 2 would be more like a challenger engine, and would be more expensive ( 2 tanks and 20 engines 10 steel) the pros over the basic engine would be 3 fuel slots, double the water load, and it would be more water efficient. But mainly the amount of cars would be raised to 10 (Maybe 15). Cons would be no reverse?
Now tier 3 would be diesel electric engines they would be the most expensive( 20 electric engines, 10 electronic circuits, 4 tanks) this one would be special because they would need light oil to run but would have the greatest advantage of being able to link together and carry an infinite amount of cars. These would also be the most efficient in terms of fuel to move cargo wagons. and lastly double headed trains could be used for one track systems.
In my Own little sick and twisted world this adds a lot of variety and realism( really i just want a huge train-yard with different types of engines and trains to play with

Bellow are pics of a challenger engine and a smaller tank engine and personally i love the model for the current diesel loco. in the game.