Intermediate fluids as items

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Re: Intermediate fluids as items

Post by EstebanLB »

just_dont wrote:
ssilk wrote:Use the underground pipes. :)
But it's not enough!
Underground pipes are barely enough to get all the required routing, and when you finish laying down all those 4- or 5- pipes T-sections and cross-sections, there's barely enough (or "just not enough") place to walk.
Spread the buildings more and use electric pumps
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Re: Intermediate fluids as items

Post by Phy »

Put the chemical plants much further away, and/or have the refinery run into tanks first. (also distanced from other plants.)
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Re: Intermediate fluids as items

Post by sciencemile »

At least you can separate the Oil Extraction from the Productions facility at the moment, if you're willing to invest the Iron. I'd be more than willing to pay an increased cost for the options. I imagine different liquids might need different kinds of barrels even.

Also to make electric pumps you require materials that would presume you have already set up the refineries the way you wanted in the first place, so that's a rather Catch-22 solution :/

EDIT: I guess until/unless the future goes the way I will it, I'll try Phy's Suggestion and just see if I can jury rig some temporary thing to get enough resources to make the electric pumps for it :P
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