IMPORTANT EDIT: Working again on the mod

This mod will add alot of things to the game.
Weapons, Radiation, Nuclear Reactors, Dozers, new Sounds and much more!
But its still work in progress.
Current Version: v.0.2

The centrifuge, the uran drill (because uran just can get mined with that machine) and the fuelrod and more are working
but its still not fully completed. (Atomic-Mod)
After the atomicmod is finished I will release my mod and continue on adding more stuff :3
Btw: I think I should add some ingame pictures. I will do that soon because you can already do small factories with that mod which produces uranium bullet magazines.
Btw: Uran isnt green but I like it green if you want a realistic version tell me.
Greetings Kyte