My logic is : "If the outpost is not full, close the rail". So, only the full outposts will have accessible paths. (And later, only the one with most ore). Each outpost will have the same station name (Here, the two on the bottom are named "LOADED"). So, technically, the train can go to both, right ?
Here is my problem : the train absolutely wants to go to either (here, it's the left one), even if the sign is red. It's sad because he could have chosen the other direction, which was green, and get to the station LOADED without problem and get the ores.
(Note that the red circuit in the bottom is not used, only the green ones between the chests and the rails, and are 2 different circuits).
How can I make my train go to the right outpost ? Put another rail signal ? Modify my signal in circuits ? Or something totally different maybe ?
EDIT 1 : I added loops at each ends and removed one locomotive. Didn't change anything (nothing to do with having to go "backwards")
EDIT 2 : I just tried in manual mode some cases. Apparently, went left alone in front of an "Y" it goes to its right. Which is what is happening to me. But why would it do that if the road is closed. Investigating.