Character should have max running speed

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Character should have max running speed

Post by Mooncat »

The game allows you to put unlimited number of exoskeletons into your modular armor as long as there is space and enough energy, allowing your character to move extremely fast.

I am not talking about modded games. In vanilla games, you can put 6 exoskeletons + 2 fusion reactors in Power armor MK2. If you run on concrete floor, it is insane.

4 issues are introduced:
- Unrealistic. If you move so fast, your legs will break. I know it is a game. I don't care why you can stack exoskeletons. But that is my bottom line.
- Uncontrollable. It is too hard to control when you move so fast.
- Awkward moments when you passed through pipes and walls.
- Render car and tank to be useless. You can run faster than train, who needs car and tank?

Limiting the maximum running speed internally can solve these issues. I guess there is no need to let players know the exact limit. Just let them experiment.

Maybe such limit should not affect LuaControl::character_running_speed_modifier. :)
Last edited by Mooncat on Thu Nov 24, 2016 1:50 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Character should have max running speed

Post by Koub »

unlimited number of exoskeletons into your modular armor as long as there is space and enough energy
Space is limited to the MKII armor grid size, and the need of energy further limits available space for exoskelettons. You are limited in the speed you can attain already.
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Re: Character should have max running speed

Post by Mooncat »

Koub wrote:
unlimited number of exoskeletons into your modular armor as long as there is space and enough energy
Space is limited to the MKII armor grid size, and the need of energy further limits available space for exoskelettons. You are limited in the speed you can attain already.
But you can put 6 exoskeletons with 2 fusion reactors. It is still too fast.
It is even faster when you run on concrete floor.
Last edited by Mooncat on Wed Nov 23, 2016 10:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Character should have max running speed

Post by bobingabout »

Though the base game run speed is limited, you could also consider things such as my mod that not only add a larger armour grid, but also faster boosts from exos. I personally use 2x MK3s (same speed boost as 4 base game versions). More is just too fast. And this is easily achievable in base game. Imaging how fast someone could go if they pushed my mod to the limit!
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Re: Character should have max running speed

Post by Deadly-Bagel »

This isn't necessarily an issue with max speed, it's an issue with acceleration. If you want to move only 1 tile to access a chest or something it's very hard when you move 30 tiles per second. However when running to outposts and the like 30 tiles per second is much more reasonable.
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Re: Character should have max running speed

Post by afk2minute »

In my opinion there should be some sort of "slider" (or another control in the interface, and even a hotkey, i would like to use mouse wheel for that) that you can use to set the speed that your exo will give you (i.e. set it to max while traveling long distance, set it lower when inside your base, etc).

Another option is make exos have diminishing returns, so each next exo will add less and less speed, so there would be no point in adding too much (but you still can do it and it WILL add it, just less than first).

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Re: Character should have max running speed

Post by Melfish »

If you think you are running uncontrollably fast, just remove a couple of exoskeletons?
When working on my factory I use 2 exoskeletons. When I need to run to some outpost because the train already left, I use 8...
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Re: Character should have max running speed

Post by Koub »

I'd rather have some sort of toggle key that allows to turn on and off the ignoring of both :
- exoskelettons
- belts the player is walking on

Both are a pain when trying to do precise things.
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Re: Character should have max running speed

Post by Rseding91 »

If any of those things are an issue for you: don't use so many exo-skeletons. For the rest of us those are non-issues and we want the speed.

Adding a limit seems arbitrary and annoying.
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Re: Character should have max running speed

Post by ssilk »

Added to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=26720 Slow Walking/Running with Powerarmor Exoskeleton

We hadn't that a long time now, but there is a notable number of suggestions around it.
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Re: Character should have max running speed

Post by Mooncat »

- Awkward moments when you passed through pipes and walls.
This is actually the main reason why I made this suggestion.
Adding acceleration or slow-move won't solve this problem.

Followed by the issue of unrealistic. You are not machine, you cannot insert unlimited modules to boost your status to sky-high. Even Superman has limit (limited by the writer :lol: ).
To travel between long distance, better use vehicle.

hm.. maybe I should add one more issue introduced by the unlimited speed caused by exoskeletons:
- They render car and tank to be useless.

It is simply a joke that you can run faster than train. :geek:

ssilk wrote:Added to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=26720 Slow Walking/Running with Powerarmor Exoskeleton

We hadn't that a long time now, but there is a notable number of suggestions around it.
Oh, thanks!
I have searched "max speed" but not "exoskeleton" because I only remembered its name after started writing. :mrgreen:
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