No long inserter assembly

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No long inserter assembly

Post by Juggla »

So, I've adapted a new strategy for setting up assembly lines. I am not a fan of long inserters and have been trying to completely eliminate them from all of my gameplay, in an effective way that doesn't screw me over, for a long time. I have come almost to the precipice of doing that using this layout. I mean don't get me wrong I could eliminate them completely from everything but that would require some "ugly" lines. I don't want to do that. So there are a few things I still use them for. But I am currently using this setup for almost anything that I need to mass produce.
Assembly line.jpg
Assembly line.jpg (361.68 KiB) Viewed 2616 times
Yes I see the missing inserter for the coil. I am a good many hours into this map and this is the first I've noticed it. It's fixed now ;)
Assembly line.jpg
Assembly line.jpg (377.27 KiB) Viewed 2616 times
Assembly line.jpg
Assembly line.jpg (339.77 KiB) Viewed 2616 times
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Re: No long inserter assembly

Post by mooklepticon »

You might be able to get rid of them in the bot frame construction by liberal use of underground pipes. See below.

Code: Select all

AAA>AAA        P
AAA AAA        P
A = assembler
> = inserter pointing right
U = underground pipe
P = regular pipe

Alternatively, you could do inserter->blank space->inserter, but, really, why bother.
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Joined: Tue Apr 19, 2016 11:22 pm

Re: No long inserter assembly

Post by Juggla »

mooklepticon wrote:You might be able to get rid of them in the bot frame construction by liberal use of underground pipes. See below.
I've used this in the past. I may delve into it and see if i can adapt one of my old setups to my new desires.
one of my previous bot lines
Alternatively, you could do inserter->blank space->inserter, but, really, why bother.
1) That wont work in the current setup since it is th pipes that are blocking the tile directly adjacent to the assembler.
2) Even if i could do that I wouldn't unless I needed/wanted some buffer via a chest.
3) As to your "what's the point" . There could be reason to do this if you needed the speed of a fast inster to keep up with production. But in this case it's not required.

I could also make it work by moving some of the power poles. But that's one of those instances where I don't like my options. The pole placement makes me happier than the long insterters make me sad. So I keep the inserters until I find something i like :)
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