Your hydrogen problem will be solved with this mod.aklesey1 wrote:I want to say that I suffer from excess hydrogen production - when ii want to get chlorine from water of when i want to get oxygen from same water - I am forced to vent hydrogen

Moderator: pyanodon
Your hydrogen problem will be solved with this mod.aklesey1 wrote:I want to say that I suffer from excess hydrogen production - when ii want to get chlorine from water of when i want to get oxygen from same water - I am forced to vent hydrogen
There´s a lot of pipes, yesaubergine18 wrote:Wow, how many pipe connectors are on that thing? IMO it would be better to have just a few, and then let the player deal with splitting/combining pipes external to the building.
I love the animation of the spinning barrel things, and the blue canisters getting moved on to the small conveyor thing.
Are those blue canisters consumed by the recipe, or produced by it? They look like they are being consumed.
I find the "pY" logo too distracting on the building - maybe move it to that white tank at the bottom left and make it look like it's printed on to the tank (like the stuff on the rotating barrel things looks printed on) and make it weathered (dirtier)?
This feels confusing to me. Why would you receive methanol by pipe, put it in to a tank (storage buffer) and then go to all the trouble of putting it in to blue canisters? Why not just pump direct from the white tank to the processing part of the building? It looks nice, but it's conceptually confusing.The blue canisters are filled with methanol (which im modeling yet), but they are just visual, the methanol will come by pipes.
Kinda late to change my mod graphic style. Is what i can provide now and modeling everything again to change everything would take a time i dont have to spend in something im doing for fun with nothing in return hehe. My mod have his own graphic style like other mods have their own. If you look at any building from angels or youkis, you will know from what mod they come from. And since i have plans to a future mod which will push things into more futurisc setup, they was made to be compatible with that visual.aubergine18 wrote:With regards to overall style of graphics in the mod, I think your screenshot illustrates that they don't tie in with the vanilla graphics - everything looks too clean. Compare your buildings with the steam engines for example.
BTW: Love your oil and gas type icons, they are superb! If you could bring similar clarity to the chemical icons, or replace with your oil/gas style icons, that would be awesome. Maybe even a small separate mod replacing vanilla fluid icons with your oil/gas style icons?
pyanodon wrote: I barely code something, im more a graphic guy, all i learned was digging out other codes, asking for help and such. Im pretty new to that so i dunno if i can do a config option anytime soon. If someone wanna help me in that coding part, im thankful. But for now, im working to bring all the features i promised in the previous pages for tier 2.
Nexela wrote:pyanodon wrote: I barely code something, im more a graphic guy, all i learned was digging out other codes, asking for help and such. Im pretty new to that so i dunno if i can do a config option anytime soon. If someone wanna help me in that coding part, im thankful. But for now, im working to bring all the features i promised in the previous pages for tier 2.
Here you go, Config options for the pole/rail recipes
Drop these files in and remove the pole and rail recipes from your
Code: Select all
--Since we only want to change "some" things about an existing item lets do it in the data_updates phase with an exact copy.
if USECREOSOTE_POLE then -- flag from config.lua
local newpole=table.deepcopy(data.raw.recipe["medium-electric-pole"])
newpole.category = "crafting-with-fluid"
newpole.ingredients[#newpole.ingredients +1] = { --Get the current number of ingredients and add one too it (just another form of table.insert)
type="fluid", name="creosote", amount=10
data:extend({newpole}) --insert our replacement pole
local newrail=table.deepcopy(data.raw.recipe["rail"])
newrail.category = "crafting-with-fluid"
table.insert(newrail.ingredients, {type="fluid", name="creosote", amount=10})
Thank you my friend! Is always nice to count with someone in case of need. I modified the file here and it will be present in the next release. About the turbine, it´s producing 2Mw right? I will cut it in a half. Thank you!Nexela wrote:
I Started playing around with this some tonight in a test environment and it will probably get added into my angels/bobs play-through
Some of the observations I have made so far with 0.1.2
Turbine is way too power full and even being nerfed too 1/3 will still be too powerful for red science
also the rail/pole changes hence the config
Also if you need any coding help on anything just ask here or shoot me a pm
Mezmerro wrote:I personally have few issues with this mod:
1) There is no ways of dumping creosote/tar you don't need (save wasting it in steam engine or a flare stack) or creating creosote it in bulk when you do need it.
2) Pipe attach points do not correlate with factory sprites
3) Graphics are too "clean" and "sharp" compared to vanilla factorio, and are generally too big for my taste.
4) Speaking about big, factories are also quite slow for such a big entities.
5) All recipes don't support productivity modules (although it's easily fixable with "Enable Productivity Modules" mod)
I don't think making the graphic a bit darker, dirtier, and with slightly distorted edges to fit vanilla factorio style would be too hard for you - those could be made with a few simple filters.pyanodon wrote:3 - Is what i can do for now, the whole mod will follow that graphic style.
Well if these were factorio vanilla assets I would be inclined to agree with you. Except for the simple filters part, nothing is simpleMezmerro wrote:I don't think making the graphic a bit darker, dirtier, and with slightly distorted edges to fit vanilla factorio style would be too hard for you - those could be made with a few simple filters.pyanodon wrote:3 - Is what i can do for now, the whole mod will follow that graphic style.
So basing off of that if the graphics give off a slight sci-fi feel all the more power (besides maybe he programed his robots as window washers).The goal in this mod is use actual knowledge of coal processing and a bit of scifi to generate energy from coal with very low emissions in late game
I will try add some noise and dirt in the next buildings im modeling. If i get some success, i will try to re-texture some of them in the future. But what i cant deny is that mod will bring buildings more clean as the technology advances. Was my idea in the beginning. THanks for your opinion.Mezmerro wrote:I don't think making the graphic a bit darker, dirtier, and with slightly distorted edges to fit vanilla factorio style would be too hard for you - those could be made with a few simple filters.pyanodon wrote:3 - Is what i can do for now, the whole mod will follow that graphic style.
hahahahahaah not windows washers YET! but dont give me ideas!Nexela wrote:So basing off of that if the graphics give off a slight sci-fi feel all the more power (besides maybe he programed his robots as window washers).
aklesey1 wrote:Petrochem mod is now officially on mod portal and i think u need to change your mod if your mod will have dependecy to Petrochem mod - there some important changes with coal
And sugestion to u - can add compatibility to Bio Industries mod - this mod using his type of coke and charcoal - may this products of ifferent coal processing can be unified - or may be they can be converted by some way - to your mod and back to Bio Industries mod, yes i know its sounds strange