Glad you are back!qjm123 wrote:Hi guys, sorry for the delay once again, life always manages to take over my time and it is becoming a standard in me, I am afraid
Not yet tried 0.13 Factorio, not checked bob's update and really happy that lenny27g got it updated! Thanks a lot!
I will have a look at it tonight and see what changes Factorio 0.13 introduced and bob's... and lenny27g and see if there is anything else I should add.
Thanks for you kind messages guys
As a summary of things that 0.13 and bob have added/changed that affect the mod (as well as what I have changed with the mod):
- Basic no longer prefixes items and their entities. I fixed this.
- Underground belt entities are no longer named 'transport-belt-to-ground' simply 'underground-belt'. I fixed this.
- Smart inserters are now filter inserters (entity name as well). I half fixed this. I made your express smart inserters require the updated entity name and changed the tech and inserter names to say filter, but left the entity names for your items as smart-inserter.
- Smart chests no longer exist. Logistic chests use steel chests now. I updated your logistic chest recipes to match. I left the recipe for the smart tungsten chest, though it should be removed.
- There appeared to be a problem when disabling titanium and tungsten chests in the config where the recipe would add without checking to see if it is actually enabled. I fixed this.
- Filter inserters are now purple and stack inserters are now green. Bob said he would be modifying his colors to match the game. You shouldn't need to change anything.
- Bob has added water mining pumpjacks. Might want to tier color those at some point.
- As you are already aware bob has his own tiered radar. Would be nice if you updated your tiered colors to affect his radar as well.
- Bob has added intermediates to combat robots. They have robot brains and arms like logistic robots. The brains look like his logistic ones and the arms all look the same. Tiering these the same as you did for logistics robots would be awesome. Also, the intermediates are spread all over the place. He has the brains and arms in one section, yet the robot (which actually is not usable because it is deployed by capsule and thus is technically an intermediate) in the combat section taking up space as a usable item. I don't yet fully understand your layout overrides yet, so I didn't change anything there.
Also, any plans to change module board icons so they aren't big weird square things? That would be cool
Thanks for your addon again, and happy to see you. I can understand life taking up time, I have modded many games in the past where people have relied on me for updates yet I just can't get them done for weeks. Sometimes people get annoyed, but your own life is definitely a priority.