- Type: Mod
- Name: ShinyBob
- ShinyBob_Menus
- ShinyBob_Graphics
- ShinyBob_Icons
- ShinyBob_Techs
- Description: For lovers of Bob's mod. Puts colours on Bob's mod items
- License: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
- Version: 0.16.1
- Release: 2018-01-25
- Factorio-Version: 0.16.x
- Dependencies: boblibrary >= 0.16.0 (No need to have them all Bob's installed, but as these are mods for bob's mod, if you don't have any installed, what would be the point of having my mods?!
- bobassembly >= 0.16.0
- bobelectronics >= 0.16.0
- bobenemies >= 0.16.0
- bobgreenhouse >= 0.16.0
- bobinserters >= 0.16.0
- boblibrary >= 0.16.0
- boblocale >= 0.16.0
- boblogistics >= 0.16.0
- bobmining >= 0.16.0
- bobmodules >= 0.16.0
- bobores >= 0.16.0
- bobplates >= 0.16.0
- bobpower >= 0.16.0
- bobrevamp >= 0.16.0
- bobtech >= 0.16.0
- bobvehicleequipment >= 0.13.0
- bobwarfare >= 0.16.0
- Category: Addons for Bob's mod (Angel's Mods are not supported any more, please use ShinyBobAngelsGFX from Zombiee)
- Download:
ShinyBob_Menus_0.16.5 https://mods.factorio.com/mod/ShinyBob_Menus
ShinyBob_Icons_0.16.6 https://mods.factorio.com/mod/ShinyBob_Icons
ShinyBob_Graphics_0.16.6 https://mods.factorio.com/mod/ShinyBob_Graphics
ShinyBob_Thecs_0.16.2 https://mods.factorio.com/mod/ShinyBob_Techs
My mods play nice with the following mods:
air-filtering-patched, air-filtering, auto-research, AutoDeconstruct, autofill, AutoTrash, beltSorter, Better_Repair_Pack, BigBags, botReplacer, Bottleneck, clock, Crafting_Speed_Research, creative-mode-fix, EasyCopy, even-distribution, EvoGUI, FARL, Flare Stack, Flow Control, FNEI, folk-shuttle-016, Foreman, helmod, LandMover, Laser_Beam_Turrets, list.txt, LoaderRedux, LogisticTrainNetwork, longer-belts-redux, miniloader, ModuleInserter, Nanobots, NOTES.md, Orbital Ion Cannon, PickerExtended, RecExplo, research-queue, ResourceLabels, reverse-factory, Single-SplitterT, SmoothWarnings, Squeak Through, TheFatController, TrainSpeedLimit-016, tree_collision, upgrade-planner, Warehousing, YARM.
- Post updated, but since last update, Tech was published, the other mods got updated a couple of times too. Each mod has got their own log which a keep up to date, not like this post unfortunately.
- Update of this post, finally!
- Update of gems ore, as they were looking too... too much, down scaled a little bit that ore.
- Downscale as well my new solder bobine, I hope now it looks better.
- Minor changes of swamping icons around, but nothing major or significance.
- There so many updates but mostly I've removed anything to do with low-res graphics, were are in 2018, can't stop progress. HR version aren't yet availabe with my mod, as that would have required another two or tree weeks of hard work. I wanted to get it out as early as possible to be able to play 0.16 :p I may bring myself to add it later on this year.
- I've finally come to only one option per icons/recipe and entities graphics. No more strange options all around the places. This is what you get with my mod, if you don't like it, change it or load another mod
Big thanks to:
Bobingabout wihtout him, I probably wouldn't be playing Factorio any longer. Thanks for your amazing mod again.
Zombiee for creating those tree fantastic mods (ShinyBobGFX, ShinyIcons and ShinyAngelGFX) that gave me everything I needed to bring myself to create this new update. I wouldn't have done it without his mods as I basically c+p most of his code. As well as use his graphics for pipes (finally pipes look good!) and probably some other stuff that I don't remember right now but I am sure own him

Klonan for his Laser_Beam_Turrets mod that allows me to have updated laser colours without having to learn how to learn again how to do it myself!
Optera for his LoaderRedux mod and Archangel666 for his graphics for loaders that I've updated to match my colour code.
Therax for his miniloader mod and once again Arch666Angel and modified graphics by Therax, only to match my colour code again.
doktorstick for his hacked-splittersT mod, even thought I couldn't figure out yet how his layers work to allow the update of green and purple colour to match my coding colour unfortunately. I will get there in my next update.
Dysoch for his amazing mod, got lots of ideas from his mod in the early stages of my mod, radars/accus and boilers per example, even thought I've got my own graphics now, it was nice to see what options he went for, lot of help there.
Mike aka XyLe thanks for the inspiration to create my solar panels as for the accus too in his mod Electricity_XyLe_1.0.0
mcguten for his 5dim_mining mod, which I've reused for the bob's area mining drill until I created my own pics from the base game.
Taehl and his fantastic IconFix mod as he kindly agreed for me to use some of his icons.
AnonymoScoot for tech icons like Titanium, Tungsten and Nitinol processing in his AnonyMods
Kamsta99 for his help with Tech Icons (that saved me days or work!!!) and for some other minors ones, like gears icons. As well, as his feedback on how to improve things.
And of course thanks to the Factorio's team that created an even better game than Minecraft