[MOD 0.16.x] ShinyBob_0.16.x

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[MOD 0.16.x] ShinyBob_0.16.x

Post by qjm123 »

  • Type: Mod
  • Name: ShinyBob
    • ShinyBob_Menus
    • ShinyBob_Graphics
    • ShinyBob_Icons
    • ShinyBob_Techs
  • Description: For lovers of Bob's mod. Puts colours on Bob's mod items
  • License: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
  • Version: 0.16.1
  • Release: 2018-01-25
  • Factorio-Version: 0.16.x
  • Dependencies: boblibrary >= 0.16.0 (No need to have them all Bob's installed, but as these are mods for bob's mod, if you don't have any installed, what would be the point of having my mods?! :mrgreen: )
    • bobassembly >= 0.16.0
    • bobelectronics >= 0.16.0
    • bobenemies >= 0.16.0
    • bobgreenhouse >= 0.16.0
    • bobinserters >= 0.16.0
    • boblibrary >= 0.16.0
    • boblocale >= 0.16.0
    • boblogistics >= 0.16.0
    • bobmining >= 0.16.0
    • bobmodules >= 0.16.0
    • bobores >= 0.16.0
    • bobplates >= 0.16.0
    • bobpower >= 0.16.0
    • bobrevamp >= 0.16.0
    • bobtech >= 0.16.0
    • bobvehicleequipment >= 0.13.0
  • bobwarfare >= 0.16.0
  • Category: Addons for Bob's mod (Angel's Mods are not supported any more, please use ShinyBobAngelsGFX from Zombiee)
  • Download:

    ShinyBob_Menus_0.16.5 https://mods.factorio.com/mod/ShinyBob_Menus
    ShinyBob_Icons_0.16.6 https://mods.factorio.com/mod/ShinyBob_Icons
    ShinyBob_Graphics_0.16.6 https://mods.factorio.com/mod/ShinyBob_Graphics
    ShinyBob_Thecs_0.16.2 https://mods.factorio.com/mod/ShinyBob_Techs
A copy of all my psd files for anyone to play with them and use them as they feel like it. There is no order or proper names, it is a real mess, please, don't compalin about it, just take it as it is
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(177.46 KiB) Downloaded 300 times

My mods play nice with the following mods:

air-filtering-patched, air-filtering, auto-research, AutoDeconstruct, autofill, AutoTrash, beltSorter, Better_Repair_Pack, BigBags, botReplacer, Bottleneck, clock, Crafting_Speed_Research, creative-mode-fix, EasyCopy, even-distribution, EvoGUI, FARL, Flare Stack, Flow Control, FNEI, folk-shuttle-016, Foreman, helmod, LandMover, Laser_Beam_Turrets, list.txt, LoaderRedux, LogisticTrainNetwork, longer-belts-redux, miniloader, ModuleInserter, Nanobots, NOTES.md, Orbital Ion Cannon, PickerExtended, RecExplo, research-queue, ResourceLabels, reverse-factory, Single-SplitterT, SmoothWarnings, Squeak Through, TheFatController, TrainSpeedLimit-016, tree_collision, upgrade-planner, Warehousing, YARM.

Ores update
Tech Three update
[Latest changes]Latest changes

  • Post updated, but since last update, Tech was published, the other mods got updated a couple of times too. Each mod has got their own log which a keep up to date, not like this post unfortunately.
  • Update of this post, finally!
  • Update of gems ore, as they were looking too... too much, down scaled a little bit that ore.
  • Downscale as well my new solder bobine, I hope now it looks better.
  • Minor changes of swamping icons around, but nothing major or significance.
  • There so many updates but mostly I've removed anything to do with low-res graphics, were are in 2018, can't stop progress. HR version aren't yet availabe with my mod, as that would have required another two or tree weeks of hard work. I wanted to get it out as early as possible to be able to play 0.16 :p I may bring myself to add it later on this year.
  • I've finally come to only one option per icons/recipe and entities graphics. No more strange options all around the places. This is what you get with my mod, if you don't like it, change it or load another mod :)
Todo list
As a last note I want to mention is that I've tried really hard to get all my icons and graphics from the base game and then apply my changes/modification to those. I've only reused someone else work, if those were original and were not present in the base game, to make them work with my coding colour. If you see something that you think is yours and I haven't credited you for it, I am sorry, please, just send me a PM. I've modified quite few things and I can't remember everything. I know, I should keep a record of what I do, my bad! I will credit you or if you want simply remove it from my mod, no problems at all.

Big thanks to:

Bobingabout wihtout him, I probably wouldn't be playing Factorio any longer. Thanks for your amazing mod again.
Zombiee for creating those tree fantastic mods (ShinyBobGFX, ShinyIcons and ShinyAngelGFX) that gave me everything I needed to bring myself to create this new update. I wouldn't have done it without his mods as I basically c+p most of his code. As well as use his graphics for pipes (finally pipes look good!) and probably some other stuff that I don't remember right now but I am sure own him :D Thanks again.
Klonan for his Laser_Beam_Turrets mod that allows me to have updated laser colours without having to learn how to learn again how to do it myself!
Optera for his LoaderRedux mod and Archangel666 for his graphics for loaders that I've updated to match my colour code.
Therax for his miniloader mod and once again Arch666Angel and modified graphics by Therax, only to match my colour code again.
doktorstick for his hacked-splittersT mod, even thought I couldn't figure out yet how his layers work to allow the update of green and purple colour to match my coding colour unfortunately. I will get there in my next update.
Dysoch for his amazing mod, got lots of ideas from his mod in the early stages of my mod, radars/accus and boilers per example, even thought I've got my own graphics now, it was nice to see what options he went for, lot of help there.
Mike aka XyLe thanks for the inspiration to create my solar panels as for the accus too in his mod Electricity_XyLe_1.0.0
mcguten for his 5dim_mining mod, which I've reused for the bob's area mining drill until I created my own pics from the base game.
Taehl and his fantastic IconFix mod as he kindly agreed for me to use some of his icons.
AnonymoScoot for tech icons like Titanium, Tungsten and Nitinol processing in his AnonyMods
Kamsta99 for his help with Tech Icons (that saved me days or work!!!) and for some other minors ones, like gears icons. As well, as his feedback on how to improve things.

And of course thanks to the Factorio's team that created an even better game than Minecraft ;-) Keep up the great job guys.
Last edited by qjm123 on Mon Mar 05, 2018 3:42 pm, edited 34 times in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.22] ExtraChests v0.1.0

Post by Supercheese »

Wow, you've done a great job with this -- I always disliked that the regular electric poles had identical graphics and icons as the Mk4 poles, and you've splendidly addressed this and pretty much everything else that bothered me in Bob's mods! Your graphics updates look really good, I must say. Excellent mod -- although the title is a bit misleading, as there is far, far more content here than just some extra chests. :D

A bug report: If you've turned off certain things in bobconfig like:

Code: Select all

bobmods.config.enemies.EnableNewArtifacts = false
Then certain item prototypes like the Alien Lab (lab-alien) won't exist, and ExtraChests throws an error about this. You can solve the issue by wrapping the relevant item in if checks, like you do in many other places. I had issues specifically at:

Line 1020 of data-updates.lua:

Code: Select all

data.raw.item["lab-alien"].order = "g[lab-4]"
It needs another if check like you have in many places:

Code: Select all

if data.raw.item["lab-alien"] then
	data.raw.item["lab-alien"].order = "g[lab-4]"
This is the only issue I had given my bobconfig choices, but it's possible there are other potential similar issues if other parts of bobconfig are changed.

Finally, a minor note: It's "graphics" not "grafics". It's just in the code (config.lua et al.) so it doesn't really matter, but you could improve the readability by a simple Ctrl+H search/replace to fix the spelling.

Once again, nice job, I'll definitely use this to accompany all my Bob's mod games. :)
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Re: [MOD 0.12.22] ExtraChests v0.1.0

Post by qjm123 »

Thanks a lot for your kind words about my addon :-)

Yes, gosh! You know when I noticed the "grafics" spelling mistake? While I was actually writing my previous post! :lol: I thought it was too late and I was too tired to update everything, for next update I will fix that I hope. Oh, I am Spanish, that's why the "f" ;)

You are right about that issue coming up if not all bob's mod modules are present. While "programming", big word for me, more like c+p hoping for the best really, I didn't really look into the option of not using some of those amazing bob's modules, there are so great why would someone not use them all... oh, alien's artifacts!!!... I get it. Ok, but that would have added an extra layer of complexity that I didn't want to face back then while "programming". That's why I kind of insist at the beginning that all Bob's mods need to be present for this addon to work correctly.

But if people kindly find out what needs to be changed or "turn off" then I will gladly add those parts of codes to my addon and update it, thanks for your code and be ensured that I will be adding it in the next few days in an update after getting some more feedback.

Finally, about the name, you so right again. It's so misleading but I didn't want to use the "Bob's addon" name as that was really unfair without asking Bobingabout permission and I really wanted to keep my original name too, as I only started this whole thing wanting just more space to keep that sodium-hydroxide crap :D

Cheers Supercheese :)
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Re: [MOD 0.12.22] ExtraChests v0.1.0

Post by mngrif »

Yep this is going in to my bobsmod playthrough right now.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.22] ExtraChests v0.1.0

Post by TheTom »

I like it. BUT:

* I Think you should be more conservative with the colors. I totally like how you make them on boilers, steam engines. OTOH the tanks are just way too brutal. Keeping them mostly grey with a coloered element would IMHO be nicer. At least more consistent ;)

* I think the tank are overpowered. I am all in favour of adding capacity, but 10x is too much ;)

Is this supposed to work with an existing savefile? Got an error message whn loading., cannot execute command... game.reload_script(): 8: attemot to index field "addon-sodium-hydroxite" (a nl value)
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Re: [MOD 0.12.22] ExtraChests v0.1.0

Post by _cdecl »

Thank you for releasing this fantastic mod. I did have an issue starting the game, though. Line 1003 in data-updates.lua needs a guard, it's complaining about "upgrade-planner".
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Re: [MOD 0.12.22] ExtraChests v0.1.0

Post by Supercheese »

_cdecl wrote:Thank you for releasing this fantastic mod. I did have an issue starting the game, though. Line 1003 in data-updates.lua needs a guard, it's complaining about "upgrade-planner".
Yeah looks like that needs an if check as well.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.22] ExtraChests v0.1.0

Post by qjm123 »

TheTom wrote:I like it. BUT:

* I Think you should be more conservative with the colors. I totally like how you make them on boilers, steam engines. OTOH the tanks are just way too brutal. Keeping them mostly grey with a coloered element would IMHO be nicer. At least more consistent ;)

* I think the tank are overpowered. I am all in favour of adding capacity, but 10x is too much ;)

Is this supposed to work with an existing savefile? Got an error message whn loading., cannot execute command... game.reload_script(): 8: attemot to index field "addon-sodium-hydroxite" (a nl value)
:lol: Not laughing at you but at myself! So funny, here my version 0.0.1
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where actually I've got normal colours for tanks! Down the line upgrading versions, I must have come to the conclusion and said to myself something like "Jorge, everything has to make sense: YELLOW, RED, BLUE, PURPLE AND GREEN, that's the way to go!!!"
And now I can quite see I am wrong with tanks actually, I will update the graphics to more normal Factorio colours as you are suggesting, still keeping that colours code but more in line with what I did with boilers. Thanks for pointing it out.

About the overpower of tanks capacity, I guess I will try to add some code to config.lua to allow people to change it if wanted. I know that for me I can't get bother with that aspect of the game, I just want to store things, that's all I care about and probably people will agree with that. But, never the less, giving the option would be a better solution here.

About the issue you're reporting, not sure how I can test that. My knowledge about lua and programming is limited and not sure how to solve that, sorry about that. I will try to have a look at the formula and see what's happening there. Thanks again for your comment and happy you like it :)
_cdecl wrote:Thank you for releasing this fantastic mod. I did have an issue starting the game, though. Line 1003 in data-updates.lua needs a guard, it's complaining about "upgrade-planner".
Oh, sorry about that, I am so use to use some of the mods that I completely forgotten things that aren't in vanilla!
Two options to fix it before my next update around next Tuesday:

Adding the upgrade-planner_1.1.7 mod (
(10.1 KiB) Downloaded 365 times
), here is the page of the mod made by kds71 https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... de+planner Notice that I haven't yet tried out version 1.1.9, that's why I have attached the 1.1.7 as I can't seem to find it in his page any longer.

Second option, it is to use the following code:

Code: Select all

if data.raw["deconstruction-item"]["upgrade-planner"]
	data.raw["deconstruction-item"]["upgrade-planner"].subgroup = "energy"
if data.raw["deconstruction-item"]["deconstruction-planner"]
	data.raw["deconstruction-item"]["deconstruction-planner"].subgroup = "energy"
instead of the

Code: Select all

	data.raw["deconstruction-item"]["upgrade-planner"].subgroup = "energy"
	data.raw["deconstruction-item"]["deconstruction-planner"].subgroup = "energy"
Glad you've liked it.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.22] ExtraChests v0.1.1

Post by qjm123 »

Hi, just to let you know, there was a mistake in the code I've posted quickly the other day. Sorry about that, as mentioned, coding is not my strong point unfortunately. I was missing the "then" at the end of each "if" statement.

I've released an update, 0.1.1 addressing this and another issue about lab-alien not available.

Code: Select all

if data.raw["deconstruction-item"]["upgrade-planner"] then 
	data.raw["deconstruction-item"]["upgrade-planner"].subgroup = "energy"
if data.raw["deconstruction-item"]["deconstruction-planner"] then 
	data.raw["deconstruction-item"]["deconstruction-planner"].subgroup = "energy"
I was unable to find/reproduce the issues about :(
cannot execute command... game.reload_script(): 8: attemot to index field "addon-sodium-hydroxite" (a nl value)

Please, let me know if you get any other bug or encounter issues with this new update.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.22] ExtraChests v0.1.1

Post by _cdecl »

That's OK, I actually didn't notice because I had patched it myself before you responded. I have a fair bit of programming experience (career / student / hobby), so if you need some help with coding, let me know.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.22] ExtraChests v0.1.1

Post by kiba »

__ExtraChests__/data-updates.lua:1629: attempt to index field 'explosive-artillery-shell' (a nil value)

Edit: I am a version behind. Updating and will report back with errors if needed.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.22] ExtraChests v0.1.1

Post by qjm123 »

That's right, it needs bobwarfare_0.12.9 as it is where that 'explosive-artillery-shell' gets declared.

I've updated the first post to list each version of bobsmod modules that is need and when I'll do my next update I will hard code them in the info.json to ensure that everyone has the modules up to date before launching my addon.

Thanks a lot for bringing this issue up _cded. :)
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Re: [MOD 0.12.22] ExtraChests v0.1.1

Post by Arch666Angel »

Looks way better with only coloring the highlights instead of most part of the entity.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.22] ExtraChests v0.1.1

Post by aklesey1 »

Useful mod =)
qjm123 big wish to you - make simple smart inserter - sometimes i need slow inserter with smart function
And may be all these inserters with 90 and 180 degree rotation, it wil be very very cool
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Re: [MOD 0.12.22] ExtraChests v0.1.1

Post by qjm123 »

aklesey1 wrote:Useful mod =)
qjm123 big wish to you - make simple smart inserter - sometimes i need slow inserter with smart function
And may be all these inserters with 90 and 180 degree rotation, it wil be very very cool

Thanks :) for the simple smart inserter, I really don't see where or when it can really be useful as with bob's mod you quickly get to the point where even express inserters can't handle the workload. My guess is that you want to retrive from a belt that has two products at least or even more (otherwise you will be just using the burner inserter) some quantity like a 10% or so to a chest or assembly machine but you don't want to impact more your belt. There is few other ways to achieve that without having a new inserter. Having only one product in that belt and using splitter-belts, two or tree in cascade will leave you with 50% and 25% and with a 4th, you'll get 12.5% of that same belt then just burner inserter or simple burner. Another option, it is simply using a smart inserter, make it pick up what you need and drop it on the floor and use a simple or burner inserter, you will achieve that filtering from a smart inserter and the speed of the slower one, as until the simple/burner doesn't finish it's task the smart (and faster) won't be able to do anything else! Hope that help, I know it is a lot more effort than just a new and shiny inserter. But thrust me, there are already too many inserters! :lol:

About the 90 degree rotation, there is already a mod that does that, I haven't try it myself, as there is too many inserters already in Bob's mod and my addon, but you can try them out and report back, I won't mind to add some extra code to ensure they are place in the right spot in the menu. https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... =14&t=3622
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Re: [MOD 0.12.22] ExtraChests v0.1.2

Post by _cdecl »

qjm123 wrote:About the 90 degree rotation, there is already a mod that does that, I haven't try it myself, as there is too many inserters already in Bob's mod and my addon, but you can try them out and report back, I won't mind to add some extra code to ensure they are place in the right spot in the menu. viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3622
I am using that mod right now and it only supports the vanilla inserters. It works great as long as you don't need 90 degree versions of the near or far inserters, or anything from bob's mod. I can confirm that they do show up in the correct location in the crafting menu too.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.22] ExtraChests v0.1.2

Post by aklesey1 »

_cdecl wrote:
qjm123 wrote:About the 90 degree rotation, there is already a mod that does that, I haven't try it myself, as there is too many inserters already in Bob's mod and my addon, but you can try them out and report back, I won't mind to add some extra code to ensure they are place in the right spot in the menu. viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3622
I am using that mod right now and it only supports the vanilla inserters. It works great as long as you don't need 90 degree versions of the near or far inserters, or anything from bob's mod. I can confirm that they do show up in the correct location in the crafting menu too.
U can can create 90 and 180 degree rotation versions of all versions bob inserters? I'll be thankful for it
May be it will be addon for your mod or addon for bob logistics?
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Re: [MOD 0.12.22] ExtraChests v0.1.2

Post by Arch666Angel »

What you could have done instead of the different color versions for the same base model/sprite, make an overlay sprite and work with the tint={} command.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.22] ExtraChests v0.1.2

Post by qjm123 »

How wow, I didn't know the tint command could be used in different object apart from the chemical plant. I saw it while I was trying to set up their colours but never thought it could be apply to others. Programming not my strongest ability and with lua and factorio even less. But I will have a look at it and see what I can get out from it, next week I'll have something for sure. Thanks again for the tip.

About inserters, I've got no plans right now to add any new inserters. If I ever get into getting a new one, I would try to get one that is programmable, that somehow you could select from where it picks it up things and where it deposits them, but this is not for tomorrow as it will require a lot more skills than I've got right now I am afraid. But who knows...
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Re: [MOD 0.12.22] ExtraChests v0.1.2

Post by OvermindDL1 »

Found error on load:

Code: Select all

Error Util.cpp:49: Error while loading entity prototype "radar-mk3" (radar): conversion of data to type "j" failed
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