[0.12.33] [Pending] [Server Connection Refused

Bugs that we were not able to reproduce, and/or are waiting for more detailed info.
Manual Inserter
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[0.12.33] [Pending] [Server Connection Refused

Post by Yedric »

I'm having an issue with a headless Windows 64-bit server where every connection attempt by a client results in a pop-up box containing the message:

Code: Select all


Couldn't establish network communication with server.
The server logs shows connection refused because of the same client already attempting to connect. The apparently relevant section of the server console output is:

Code: Select all

1016.379 Connection request from
1016.379 Info Router.cpp:609: NetworkTick(60953) replying to connectionRequest for address(
1016.479 Info Router.cpp:761: networkTick(60959) adding peer(1) address( sending connectionAccept(true)
1016.479 Info Router.cpp:632: networkTick(60959) sending connectionAccept to address( connectionRequestID(29803) newPeerID(1)
1016.480 Info Synchronizer.cpp:500: networkTick(60959) adding peer(1) success(true).
1016.895 Connection request from
1016.896 Info Router.cpp:609: NetworkTick(60960) replying to connectionRequest for address(
1017.395 Connection request from
1017.395 Refusing connection for address( Another connection from this peer is in progress.
1018.129 Info Synchronizer.cpp:444: NetworkTick(60960) peer(1) drop detection state(100/600).
1019.795 Info Synchronizer.cpp:444: NetworkTick(60960) peer(1) drop detection state(200/600).
1021.462 Info Synchronizer.cpp:444: NetworkTick(60960) peer(1) drop detection state(300/600).
1023.129 Info Synchronizer.cpp:444: NetworkTick(60960) peer(1) drop detection state(400/600).
1024.795 Info Synchronizer.cpp:444: NetworkTick(60960) peer(1) drop detection state(500/600).
1026.462 Info Synchronizer.cpp:444: NetworkTick(60960) peer(1) drop detection state(600/600).
1026.478 Info Synchronizer.cpp:590: NetworkTick(60960) peer(1) peerHeartbeatsEmpty(true) is not responding, dropping.
1026.578 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1433: Received peer info for peer(0) username(<server>).
1026.578 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1060: networkTick(60965) mapTick(400290) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(InGame) newState(InGame)
1026.594 Info Router.cpp:741: Received onPeerConnected for already connected peer(1)
1026.595 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1495: Peer dropout for peer (1) by peer (0) -- removing now
1026.595 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1010: networkTick(60966) mapTick(400291) removing peer(1) dropout(true)
1026.596 Info Synchronizer.cpp:516: networkTick(60966) removing peer(1) success(false).
The server is started with:

Code: Select all

D:\Gameservers\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe --start-server Factorio_Server1_20160511 --disallow-commands
The game was installed using the .zip file from factorio.com. The config.ini contains only default entries.

The server that the game is running on has multiple public static IP addresses. The connection refusal occurs regardless of which IP address is used to attempt a connection.

The port 34197/UDP is permitted through the firewall and no NAT'ing is in place on these IP addresses.
Server log
(17.49 KiB) Downloaded 138 times
Last edited by Yedric on Thu May 12, 2016 2:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [0.12.33] 64-bit Windows Headless Server Connection Refused

Post by Rseding91 »

Is the client 0.12.33 as well?
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
Manual Inserter
Manual Inserter
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Re: [0.12.33] 64-bit Windows Headless Server Connection Refused

Post by Yedric »

Yes, 64-bit 0.12.33 clients on Windows 7
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Re: [0.12.33] 64-bit Windows Headless Server Connection Refused

Post by Klonan »

Thanks for the report,

Are you still having the issue in the latest version of factorio 0.12.35?
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Re: [0.12.33] [Pending] [Server Connection Refused

Post by universal »


i'm also seeing this behavior. I've a linux server running ubuntu 14.04 and I am unable to connect either from a ubuntu 16.04 client, or a windows client. This happened for all versions of 0.13.0, 0.13.1 and 0.13.2 . The server has multiple ips, so the factorio server is reachable under all ips, since it binds itself to Blocking the other ips with iptables did not improve the situation. I also tried running the server under a different user with a newly downloaded headless-zip, and also as root ( :twisted: :twisted:), this did not help either. Both clients use the steam version.

I hope posting to this old thread is ok. If there is anything i should try, i can supply, ... please just drop me a message :-)

Below are the logs from the server:

Code: Select all

0.000 2016-07-01 11:29:52; Factorio 0.13.2 (Build 22949, linux64, headless)
   0.063 Operating system: Linux (Ubuntu 14.04)
   0.063 Program arguments: "/home/steam/factorio/0.13.2/bin/x64/factorio" "--start-server" "saves/map.zip" 
   0.063 Read data path: /home/steam/factorio/0.13.2/data
   0.063 Write data path: /home/steam/factorio/0.13.2
   0.063 Binaries path: /home/steam/factorio/0.13.2/bin
   0.078 Running in headless mode
   0.080 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
   0.086 Loading mod base 0.13.2 (data.lua)
   0.187 Checksum for core: 1399339455
   0.187 Checksum for mod base: 234403436
   0.430 Custom inputs active: 0
   0.431 Factorio initialised
   0.431 Info Router.cpp:557: Router peerID(65535) shutting down.
   0.431 Info Router.cpp:588: Router state -> Disconnected
   0.469 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(0) mapTick(-1) changing state from(Ready) to(PreparedToHostGame)
   0.469 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(0) mapTick(-1) changing state from(PreparedToHostGame) to(CreatingGame)
   0.469 Loading map /home/steam/factorio/0.13.2/saves/map.zip
   0.507 Info Scenario.cpp:129: Map version 0.13.1-0
   0.591 Checksum for script /home/steam/factorio/0.13.2/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 900459546
   0.609 Info PosixUDPSocket.cpp:50: Opening socket at port 34197
   0.609 Info Router.cpp:588: Router state -> Connected
   0.609 Info Synchronizer.cpp:56: NetworkTick(0) initialized Synchronizer local peer(0) latency(6).
   0.610 Hosting game at port 34197, peerID 0, session magic 1390
   0.610 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(0) mapTick(89) changing state from(CreatingGame) to(InGame)
   0.610 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:45: mapTick(89) networkTick(0) initialized NetworkInputHandler local peer(0).
   0.610 Error InterruptibleStdioStream.cpp:51: Reading stdin failed
   0.726 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1527: Received peer info for peer(0) username(<server>).
   0.726 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(6) mapTick(89) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(Ready) newState(CreatingGame)
   0.726 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(6) mapTick(89) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(CreatingGame) newState(InGame)
 349.129 Connection request(type(ConnectionRequest) applicationVersion(0.13.2 (Build 22949, linux64, headless)) activeMods((base 0.13.2) ) hasPassword(no) connectionRequestID(53819)) from(
 349.129 Info Router.cpp:677: NetworkTick(20911) replying to connectionRequest for address(
 349.229 Info Router.cpp:899: networkTick(20917) adding peer(1) address( sending connectionAccept(true)
 349.229 Info Router.cpp:711: networkTick(20917) sending connectionAccept to address( connectionRequestID(53819) newPeerID(1)
 349.229 Info Synchronizer.cpp:522: networkTick(20917) adding peer(1) success(true).
 349.646 Connection request(type(ConnectionRequest) applicationVersion(0.13.2 (Build 22949, linux64, headless)) activeMods((base 0.13.2) ) hasPassword(no) connectionRequestID(53819)) from(
 349.646 Info Router.cpp:677: NetworkTick(20918) replying to connectionRequest for address(
 350.146 Connection request(type(ConnectionRequest) applicationVersion(0.13.2 (Build 22949, linux64, headless)) activeMods((base 0.13.2) ) hasPassword(no) connectionRequestID(53819)) from(
 350.146 Refusing connection for address( Another connection from this peer is in progress.
 350.879 Info Synchronizer.cpp:465: NetworkTick(20918) peer(1) drop detection state(100/600).
 352.546 Info Synchronizer.cpp:465: NetworkTick(20918) peer(1) drop detection state(200/600).
 354.212 Info Synchronizer.cpp:465: NetworkTick(20918) peer(1) drop detection state(300/600).
 355.879 Info Synchronizer.cpp:465: NetworkTick(20918) peer(1) drop detection state(400/600).
 357.546 Info Synchronizer.cpp:465: NetworkTick(20918) peer(1) drop detection state(500/600).
 359.212 Info Synchronizer.cpp:465: NetworkTick(20918) peer(1) drop detection state(600/600).
 359.229 Info Synchronizer.cpp:612: NetworkTick(20918) peer(1) peerHeartbeatsEmpty(true) is not responding, dropping.
 359.329 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1527: Received peer info for peer(0) username(<server>).
 359.329 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(20923) mapTick(99) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(InGame) newState(InGame)
 359.345 Info Router.cpp:879: Received onPeerConnected for already connected peer(1)
 359.346 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1596: Peer dropout for peer (1) by peer (0) -- removing now
 359.346 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1093: networkTick(20924) mapTick(100) removing peer(1) dropout(true)
 359.346 Info Synchronizer.cpp:538: networkTick(20924) removing peer(1) success(false).
 359.346 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(20924) mapTick(100) changing state from(InGame) to(InGameAligning)
 359.346 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1818: networkTick(20924) mapTick(100) starting mapAlign
 359.346 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1732: networkTick(20924) mapTick(100) adding mapAlignTask(RemovePlayerAlignTask)
 359.445 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(20930) mapTick(100) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(InGame) newState(InGameAligning)
 359.445 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1752: networkTick(20930) mapTick(100) sending mapAlignAction
 359.545 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1390: networkTick(20936) mapTick(100) received MapAlignAction from peer(0), mapAlignTick(101) appliedTickClosuresCount(0)
 359.546 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1834: networkTick(20937) mapTick(100) mapAlign finished targetTick(101) updating map and running the tasks ...
 359.546 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1706: networkTick(20937) mapTick(100) peerID(0) fullStateLog: local state(InGameAligning) local peers(((peerID(0) state(InGameAligning) mapAlignTick(101))
 359.546 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1853: maptick(101) crc before applying all ticks: -1002968333
 359.546 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:670: applyAllTickClosures: expectedMapTick(101) lastTickApplied(92) referenceMapTick(101) networkTick(20937)
 359.546 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:694: applyAllTickClosures: applying tickClosure(tick(93) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ) for peer(0)
 359.546 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:694: applyAllTickClosures: applying tickClosure(tick(94) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ) for peer(0)
 359.546 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:694: applyAllTickClosures: applying tickClosure(tick(95) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ) for peer(0)
 359.546 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:694: applyAllTickClosures: applying tickClosure(tick(96) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ) for peer(0)
 359.546 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:694: applyAllTickClosures: applying tickClosure(tick(97) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ) for peer(0)
 359.546 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:694: applyAllTickClosures: applying tickClosure(tick(98) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ) for peer(0)
 359.546 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:694: applyAllTickClosures: applying tickClosure(tick(99) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ) for peer(0)
 359.546 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1861: maptick(101) crc after applying all ticks: -1002968333
 359.546 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(20937) mapTick(101) changing state from(InGameAligning) to(InGameAligned)
 359.662 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(20943) mapTick(101) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(InGameAligning) newState(InGameAligned)
 359.662 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(20943) mapTick(101) changing state from(InGameAligned) to(InGameWaitingForOthers)
 359.762 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(20949) mapTick(101) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(InGameAligned) newState(InGameWaitingForOthers)
 359.762 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1342: networkTick(20949) mapTick(101) stopping mapAlign
 359.762 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1884: performing map align task (RemovePlayerAlignTask)
 359.762 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1908: networkTick(20949) mapTick(101) finishing removing peer(1) hasPeer(false)
 359.762 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:548: expectedMapTick(101) removing peer(1) success(false).
 359.762 Info Synchronizer.cpp:538: networkTick(20949) removing peer(1) success(false).
 359.762 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(20949) mapTick(101) changing state from(InGameWaitingForOthers) to(InGame)
 359.762 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1706: networkTick(20949) mapTick(101) peerID(0) fullStateLog: local state(InGame) local peers(((peerID(0) state(InGameWaitingForOthers) mapAlignTick(-1))
 359.862 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(20955) mapTick(101) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(InGameWaitingForOthers) newState(InGame)

the windows client:

Code: Select all

 0.001 2016-07-01 11:35:04; Factorio 0.13.2 (Build 22949, win64, steam)
   0.001 Operating system: Windows 10 
   0.001 Program arguments: "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe" 
   0.001 Read data path: D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/data
   0.001 Write data path: C:/Users/jhedtrich/AppData/Roaming/Factorio
   0.001 Binaries path: D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin
   0.022 Graphics options: [FullScreen: true] [VSync: true] [UIScale: 100%] [MultiSampling: OFF] [Graphics quality: normal] [Video memory usage: all] [Light scale: 100%] [Screen: 255] [DXT: false]
   0.023 Available display adapters: 1
   0.023  [0]: \\.\DISPLAY1 - AMD Radeon R9 200 Series {0x80005, [0,0], 2560x1440, 32bit, 60Hz}
   0.023 Create display on adapter 0. Size 1280x720 at position [630, 342].
   0.997 Initialised OpenGL:[0] AMD Radeon R9 200 Series; driver: 4.5.13440 Compatibility Profile Context 16.200.1010.0
   1.026 Desktop composition is active.
   1.377 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
   1.393 Loading mod base 0.13.2 (data.lua)
   1.640 Checksum for core: 1399339455
   1.640 Checksum for mod base: 234403436
  10.449 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
  10.452 Created atlas bitmap 16384x9336
  10.452 Created atlas bitmap 4096x968
  14.615 Sprites loaded
  14.615 Convert atlas 4096x968 to: trilinear-filtering 
  14.637 Loading sounds...
  16.087 Warning ControlInput.cpp:281: Unknown control input string "Alt_L"
  16.087 Warning ControlInput.cpp:281: Unknown control input string "Return"
  16.087 Warning ControlInput.cpp:281: Unknown control input string "KP_Add"
  16.087 Warning ControlInput.cpp:281: Unknown control input string "KP_Subtract"
  16.087 Warning ControlInput.cpp:281: Unknown control input string "ssharp"
  16.088 Custom inputs active: 0
  16.121 Factorio initialised
  31.693 Info Router.cpp:557: Router peerID(65535) shutting down.
  31.693 Info Router.cpp:588: Router state -> Disconnected
  31.815 Joining game
  31.815 Info WindowsUDPSocket.cpp:59: Opening socket at port (0)
  31.815 Info Router.cpp:588: Router state -> Connecting
  31.816 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(0) mapTick(-1) changing state from(Ready) to(Connecting)
  33.332 Error MultiplayerManager.cpp:129: MultiplayerManager failed: multiplayer.not-received-connection-accept-reply
  33.332 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(0) mapTick(-1) changing state from(Connecting) to(InitializationFailed)
  34.799 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:180: NetworkTick(0) quitting multiplayer connection.
  34.800 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(0) mapTick(-1) changing state from(InitializationFailed) to(Disconnected)
  34.800 Info Router.cpp:557: Router peerID(65535) shutting down.
  34.800 Info WindowsUDPSocket.cpp:159: Socket closed
  34.800 Info Router.cpp:588: Router state -> Disconnected
  37.356 Steam API shutdown.
  37.358 Goodbye
and the linux client:

Code: Select all

   0.000 2016-07-01 10:09:07; Factorio 0.13.2 (Build 22949, linux64, steam)
   0.118 Operating system: Linux (Ubuntu 16.04)
   0.118 Program arguments: "/home/jhedtrich/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin/x64/factorio" 
   0.118 Read data path: /home/jhedtrich/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/data
   0.118 Write data path: /home/jhedtrich/.factorio
   0.118 Binaries path: /home/jhedtrich/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin
   0.133 Graphics options: [FullScreen: false] [VSync: true] [UIScale: 100%] [MultiSampling: OFF] [Graphics quality: normal] [Video memory usage: high] [Light scale: 20%] [Screen: 255] [DXT: false]
   0.341 Available display adapters: 2
   0.342  [0]: resolution 2560x1440px at [0,0]
   0.342  [1]: resolution 2560x1440px at [2560,0]
   0.342 Create display on adapter 0. Size 1280x720 at position [630, 342].
   0.385 Initialised OpenGL:[0] Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500 (Broadwell GT2) ; driver: 3.0 Mesa 11.2.0
   0.517 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
   0.523 Loading mod base 0.13.2 (data.lua)
   0.607 Checksum for core: 1399339455
   0.607 Checksum for mod base: 234403436
  10.860 Initial atlas bitmap size is 8192
  10.876 Created atlas bitmap 8192x8181
  10.876 Created atlas bitmap 8192x4394
  10.878 Created atlas bitmap 4096x968
  19.982 Sprites loaded
  19.982 Convert atlas 4096x968 to: trilinear-filtering 
  20.043 Loading sounds...
  21.668 Custom inputs active: 0
  21.710 Factorio initialised
  28.707 Info Router.cpp:557: Router peerID(65535) shutting down.
  28.707 Info Router.cpp:588: Router state -> Disconnected
  28.761 Joining game
  28.761 Info PosixUDPSocket.cpp:50: Opening socket at port 0
  28.761 Info Router.cpp:588: Router state -> Connecting
  28.762 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(0) mapTick(-1) changing state from(Ready) to(Connecting)
  30.270 Error MultiplayerManager.cpp:129: MultiplayerManager failed: multiplayer.not-received-connection-accept-reply
  30.271 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(0) mapTick(-1) changing state from(Connecting) to(InitializationFailed)
  31.475 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:180: NetworkTick(0) quitting multiplayer connection.
  31.475 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(0) mapTick(-1) changing state from(InitializationFailed) to(Disconnected)
  31.475 Info Router.cpp:557: Router peerID(65535) shutting down.
  31.476 Info PosixUDPSocket.cpp:154: Socket closed
  31.476 Info Router.cpp:588: Router state -> Disconnected
  33.032 Steam API shutdown.
  33.034 Goodbye
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 5
Joined: Fri Jul 01, 2016 9:47 am

Re: [0.12.33] [Pending] [Server Connection Refused

Post by universal »

with 0.13.3 the message on the server changed slightly, but the client-log seems to be unchanged:


Code: Select all

   0.000 2016-07-02 12:07:52; Factorio 0.13.3 (build 22991, linux64, headless)
   0.058 Operating system: Linux (Ubuntu 14.04)
   0.058 Program arguments: "bin/x64/factorio" "--start-server-load-latest" 
   0.058 Read data path: /home/steam/factorio/0.13.3/data
   0.058 Write data path: /home/steam/factorio/0.13.3
   0.058 Binaries path: /home/steam/factorio/0.13.3/bin
   0.072 Running in headless mode
   0.075 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
   0.080 Loading mod base 0.13.3 (data.lua)
   0.181 Checksum for core: 714099156
   0.181 Checksum for mod base: 3065127710
   0.429 Custom inputs active: 0
   0.429 Factorio initialised
   0.429 Info Router.cpp:557: Router peerID(65535) shutting down.
   0.429 Info Router.cpp:588: Router state -> Disconnected
   0.431 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(0) mapTick(-1) changing state from(Ready) to(PreparedToHostGame)
   0.431 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(0) mapTick(-1) changing state from(PreparedToHostGame) to(CreatingGame)
   0.431 Loading map /home/steam/factorio/0.13.3/saves/map.zip
   0.466 Info Scenario.cpp:129: Map version 0.13.3-1
   0.550 Checksum for script /home/steam/factorio/0.13.3/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 900459546
   0.551 Info PosixUDPSocket.cpp:50: Opening socket at port 34197
   0.551 Info Router.cpp:588: Router state -> Connected
   0.551 Info Synchronizer.cpp:56: NetworkTick(0) initialized Synchronizer local peer(0) latency(6).
   0.552 Hosting game at port 34197, peerID 0, session magic 961
   0.552 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:39: Downloading https://auth.factorio.com/generate-server-padlock
   1.164 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:85: Status code: 200
   1.164 Info AuthServerConnector.cpp:107: Obtained serverPadlock for serverHash (6pSYG90xuhXpuo545oOMDV7ASOe3zVPV) from the auth server.
   1.164 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(0) mapTick(89) changing state from(CreatingGame) to(InGame)
   1.164 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:45: mapTick(89) networkTick(0) initialized NetworkInputHandler local peer(0).
   1.281 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1527: Received peer info for peer(0) username(<server>).
   1.281 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(6) mapTick(89) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(Ready) newState(CreatingGame)
   1.281 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(6) mapTick(89) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(CreatingGame) newState(InGame)
  23.080 Connection request(type(ConnectionRequest) applicationVersion(0.13.3 (build 22991, linux64, headless)) activeMods((base 0.13.3) ) hasPassword(no) connectionRequestID(62062)) from(
  23.080 Refusing connection for address( User verification is required for this game.
  23.597 Connection request(type(ConnectionRequest) applicationVersion(0.13.3 (build 22991, linux64, headless)) activeMods((base 0.13.3) ) hasPassword(no) connectionRequestID(62062)) from(
  23.597 Refusing connection for address( User verification is required for this game.
  24.097 Connection request(type(ConnectionRequest) applicationVersion(0.13.3 (build 22991, linux64, headless)) activeMods((base 0.13.3) ) hasPassword(no) connectionRequestID(62062)) from(
  24.097 Refusing connection for address( User verification is required for this game.
^C  34.870 Received SIGINT, shutting down
  34.871 Info MainLoop.cpp:698: Saving map as /home/steam/factorio/0.13.3/saves/map.zip
  35.036 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:153: NetworkTick(2022) disconnecting multiplayer connection.
  35.036 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:64: expectedMapTick(89) sending PlayerLeaveGame
  35.036 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1571: Disconnect notification for peer (0)
  35.036 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1093: networkTick(2028) mapTick(89) removing peer(0) dropout(false)
  35.036 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(2028) mapTick(89) changing state from(InGame) to(InGameAligning)
  35.036 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1818: networkTick(2028) mapTick(89) starting mapAlign
  35.036 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1732: networkTick(2028) mapTick(89) adding mapAlignTask(RemovePlayerAlignTask)
  35.079 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(2034) mapTick(89) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(InGame) newState(InGameAligning)
  35.080 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1752: networkTick(2034) mapTick(89) sending mapAlignAction
  35.179 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1390: networkTick(2040) mapTick(89) received MapAlignAction from peer(0), mapAlignTick(90) appliedTickClosuresCount(0)
  35.180 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1834: networkTick(2041) mapTick(89) mapAlign finished targetTick(90) updating map and running the tasks ...
  35.180 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1706: networkTick(2041) mapTick(89) peerID(0) fullStateLog: local state(InGameAligning) local peers(((peerID(0) state(InGameAligning) mapAlignTick(90))
  35.180 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1853: maptick(90) crc before applying all ticks: -84217218
  35.180 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:670: applyAllTickClosures: expectedMapTick(90) lastTickApplied(-1) referenceMapTick(90) networkTick(2041)
  35.180 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:694: applyAllTickClosures: applying tickClosure(tick(89) inputActions((MultiplayerInit) (CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ) for peer(0)
  35.180 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1861: maptick(90) crc after applying all ticks: -84217218
  35.180 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(2041) mapTick(90) changing state from(InGameAligning) to(InGameAligned)
  35.296 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(2047) mapTick(90) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(InGameAligning) newState(InGameAligned)
  35.296 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(2047) mapTick(90) changing state from(InGameAligned) to(InGameWaitingForOthers)
  35.396 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(2053) mapTick(90) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(InGameAligned) newState(InGameWaitingForOthers)
  35.396 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1342: networkTick(2053) mapTick(90) stopping mapAlign
  35.396 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1884: performing map align task (RemovePlayerAlignTask)
  35.396 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(2053) mapTick(90) changing state from(InGameWaitingForOthers) to(Disconnecting)
  35.396 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1706: networkTick(2053) mapTick(90) peerID(0) fullStateLog: local state(Disconnecting) local peers(((peerID(0) state(InGameWaitingForOthers) mapAlignTick(-1))
  35.713 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(2072) mapTick(90) changing state from(Disconnecting) to(QuitScheduled)
  35.713 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:180: NetworkTick(2072) quitting multiplayer connection.
  35.713 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(2072) mapTick(90) changing state from(QuitScheduled) to(Disconnected)
  35.713 Warning NetworkInputHandler.cpp:765: mapTick(90) networkTick(2072) disconnecting from player but already disconnected.
  35.831 Info Router.cpp:557: Router peerID(0) shutting down.
  35.832 Info PosixUDPSocket.cpp:154: Socket closed
  35.832 Info Router.cpp:588: Router state -> Disconnected
  35.857 Goodbye
client - log:

Code: Select all

   0.000 2016-07-02 12:07:56; Factorio 0.13.3 (build 22991, linux64, steam)
   0.066 Operating system: Linux (Ubuntu 16.04)
   0.066 Program arguments: "/home/jhedtrich/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin/x64/factorio" 
   0.066 Read data path: /home/jhedtrich/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/data
   0.066 Write data path: /home/jhedtrich/.factorio
   0.066 Binaries path: /home/jhedtrich/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin
   0.075 Graphics options: [FullScreen: false] [VSync: true] [UIScale: 100%] [MultiSampling: OFF] [Graphics quality: normal] [Video memory usage: high] [Light scale: 20%] [Screen: 255] [DXT: false]
   0.282 Available display adapters: 2
   0.282  [0]: resolution 2560x1440px at [0,0]
   0.282  [1]: resolution 2560x1440px at [2560,0]
   0.282 Create display on adapter 0. Size 1280x720 at position [630, 342].
   0.322 Initialised OpenGL:[0] Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500 (Broadwell GT2) ; driver: 3.0 Mesa 11.2.0
   0.450 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
   0.455 Loading mod base 0.13.3 (data.lua)
   0.536 Checksum for core: 714099156
   0.536 Checksum for mod base: 3065127710
   0.901 Initial atlas bitmap size is 8192
   0.918 Created atlas bitmap 8192x8181
   0.919 Created atlas bitmap 8192x4394
   0.919 Created atlas bitmap 4096x968
   9.673 Sprites loaded
   9.673 Convert atlas 4096x968 to: trilinear-filtering 
   9.716 Loading sounds...
  11.170 Warning ControlInput.cpp:281: Unknown control input string "ALT"
  11.171 Warning ControlInput.cpp:281: Unknown control input string "ENTER"
  11.171 Warning ControlInput.cpp:281: Unknown control input string "PAD +"
  11.171 Warning ControlInput.cpp:281: Unknown control input string "PAD -"
  11.171 Warning ControlInput.cpp:281: Unknown control input string "KEY60"
  11.171 Custom inputs active: 0
  11.205 Factorio initialised
  18.621 Info Router.cpp:557: Router peerID(65535) shutting down.
  18.621 Info Router.cpp:588: Router state -> Disconnected
  18.631 Joining game
  18.631 Info PosixUDPSocket.cpp:50: Opening socket at port 0
  18.631 Info Router.cpp:588: Router state -> Connecting
  18.631 Verbose Router.cpp:252: Started router thread.
  18.631 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(0) mapTick(-1) changing state from(Ready) to(Connecting)
  20.144 Error MultiplayerManager.cpp:129: MultiplayerManager failed: multiplayer.not-received-connection-accept-reply
  20.145 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(0) mapTick(-1) changing state from(Connecting) to(InitializationFailed)
  25.787 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:180: NetworkTick(0) quitting multiplayer connection.
  25.787 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(0) mapTick(-1) changing state from(InitializationFailed) to(Disconnected)
  25.787 Info Router.cpp:557: Router peerID(65535) shutting down.
  25.787 Verbose Router.cpp:390: Finishing router thread.
  25.787 Info PosixUDPSocket.cpp:154: Socket closed
  25.787 Info Router.cpp:588: Router state -> Disconnected
  27.079 Steam API shutdown.
  27.082 Goodbye
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 5
Joined: Fri Jul 01, 2016 9:47 am

Re: [0.12.33] [Pending] [Server Connection Refused

Post by universal »

And next try with 0.13.4 -- this time with verbose logging on the server. I use the Play -> Multiplayer -> Connect to server option on the client.


Code: Select all

  "name": "oida",
  "description": "oida",
  "tags": ["game", "tags"],
  "max_players": "4",

  "_comment_visibility": ["public: Game will be published on the official Factorio matching server",
                          "lan: Game will be broadcast on LAN",
                          "hidden: Game will not be published anywhere"],
  "visibility": "hidden",

  "_comment_credentials": "Your factorio.com login credentials. Required for games with visibility public",
  "username": "",
  "password": "",

  "_comment_token": "Authentication token. May be used instead of 'password' above.",
  "token": "",

  "game_password": "",

  "_comment_verify_user_identity": "When set to true, the server will only allow clients that have a valid Factorio.com account",
  "verify_user_identity": false
start-command: bin/x64/factorio --verbose --start-server saves/map.zip --server-settings data/server-settings.json

without a password set in server-settings.json

Code: Select all

   0.017 2016-07-05 17:44:38; Factorio 0.13.4 (build 23025, linux64, headless)
   0.072 Operating system: Linux (Ubuntu 14.04)
   0.072 Program arguments: "bin/x64/factorio" "--verbose" "--start-server" "saves/map.zip" "--server-settings" "data/server-settings.json" 
   0.072 Read data path: /home/steam/factorio/0.13.4/data
   0.072 Write data path: /home/steam/factorio/0.13.4
   0.072 Binaries path: /home/steam/factorio/0.13.4/bin
   0.087 Running in headless mode
   0.089 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
   0.095 Loading mod base 0.13.4 (data.lua)
   0.195 Checksum for core: 714099156
   0.195 Checksum for mod base: 3065127710
   0.442 Custom inputs active: 0
   0.442 Factorio initialised
   0.443 Info Router.cpp:558: Router peerID(65535) shutting down.
   0.443 Info Router.cpp:594: Router state -> Disconnected
   0.444 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(0) mapTick(-1) changing state from(Ready) to(PreparedToHostGame)
   0.444 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(0) mapTick(-1) changing state from(PreparedToHostGame) to(CreatingGame)
   0.444 Loading map /home/steam/factorio/0.13.4/saves/map.zip
   0.479 Info Scenario.cpp:129: Map version 0.13.4-1
   0.557 Checksum for script /home/steam/factorio/0.13.4/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 900459546
   0.565 Info PosixUDPSocket.cpp:50: Opening socket at port 34197
   0.565 Info Router.cpp:594: Router state -> Connected
   0.565 Info Synchronizer.cpp:56: NetworkTick(0) initialized Synchronizer local peer(0) latency(6).
   0.565 Hosting game at port 34197, peerID 0, session magic 2893
   0.565 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(0) mapTick(89) changing state from(CreatingGame) to(InGame)
   0.565 Verbose Router.cpp:253: Started router thread.
   0.565 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:45: mapTick(89) networkTick(0) initialized NetworkInputHandler local peer(0).
   0.682 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(6) Processing synchronizer action(PeerInfo) from peer(0) (local)
   0.682 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1527: Received peer info for peer(0) username(<server>).
   0.682 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(6) Processing synchronizer action(PeerStateChanged) from peer(0) (local)
   0.682 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(6) mapTick(89) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(Ready) newState(CreatingGame)
   0.682 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(6) Processing synchronizer action(PeerStateChanged) from peer(0) (local)
   0.682 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(6) mapTick(89) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(CreatingGame) newState(InGame)
  24.548 Connection request(type(ConnectionRequest) applicationVersion(0.13.4 (build 23025, linux64, headless)) activeMods((base 0.13.4) ) hasPassword(no) connectionRequestID(11086)) from(
  24.548 Info Router.cpp:687: NetworkTick(1438) replying to connectionRequest for address(
  24.648 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(1444) Processing synchronizer action(PeerConnect) from peer(0) (local)
  24.648 Info Router.cpp:909: networkTick(1444) adding peer(1) address( sending connectionAccept(true)
  24.648 Info Router.cpp:721: networkTick(1444) sending connectionAccept to address( connectionRequestID(11086) newPeerID(1)
  24.648 Info Synchronizer.cpp:522: networkTick(1444) adding peer(1) success(true).
  25.048 Connection request(type(ConnectionRequest) applicationVersion(0.13.4 (build 23025, linux64, headless)) activeMods((base 0.13.4) ) hasPassword(no) connectionRequestID(11086)) from(
  25.048 Info Router.cpp:687: NetworkTick(1445) replying to connectionRequest for address(
  25.548 Connection request(type(ConnectionRequest) applicationVersion(0.13.4 (build 23025, linux64, headless)) activeMods((base 0.13.4) ) hasPassword(no) connectionRequestID(11086)) from(
  25.548 Refusing connection for address( Another connection from this peer is in progress.
  26.298 Info Synchronizer.cpp:465: NetworkTick(1445) peer(1) drop detection state(100/600).
  27.964 Info Synchronizer.cpp:465: NetworkTick(1445) peer(1) drop detection state(200/600).
  29.631 Info Synchronizer.cpp:465: NetworkTick(1445) peer(1) drop detection state(300/600).
  31.297 Info Synchronizer.cpp:465: NetworkTick(1445) peer(1) drop detection state(400/600).
  32.964 Info Synchronizer.cpp:465: NetworkTick(1445) peer(1) drop detection state(500/600).
  34.631 Info Synchronizer.cpp:465: NetworkTick(1445) peer(1) drop detection state(600/600).
  34.647 Info Synchronizer.cpp:612: NetworkTick(1445) peer(1) peerHeartbeatsEmpty(true) is not responding, dropping.
  34.747 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(1450) Processing synchronizer action(PeerInfo) from peer(0) (local)
  34.747 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1527: Received peer info for peer(0) username(<server>).
  34.747 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(1450) Processing synchronizer action(PeerStateChanged) from peer(0) (local)
  34.747 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(1450) mapTick(99) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(InGame) newState(InGame)
  34.764 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(1451) Processing synchronizer action(PeerConnect) from peer(0) (local)
  34.764 Info Router.cpp:889: Received onPeerConnected for already connected peer(1)
  34.764 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(1451) Processing synchronizer action(PeerDropoutDetected) from peer(0) (local)
  34.764 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1596: Peer dropout for peer (1) by peer (0) -- removing now
  34.764 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1093: networkTick(1451) mapTick(100) removing peer(1) dropout(true)
  34.764 Info Synchronizer.cpp:538: networkTick(1451) removing peer(1) success(false).
  34.764 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(1451) mapTick(100) changing state from(InGame) to(InGameAligning)
  34.764 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1818: networkTick(1451) mapTick(100) starting mapAlign
  34.764 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1732: networkTick(1451) mapTick(100) adding mapAlignTask(RemovePlayerAlignTask)
  34.864 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(1457) Processing synchronizer action(PeerStateChanged) from peer(0) (local)
  34.864 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(1457) mapTick(100) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(InGame) newState(InGameAligning)
  34.864 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1752: networkTick(1457) mapTick(100) sending mapAlignAction
  34.964 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(1463) Processing synchronizer action(MapAlign) from peer(0) (local)
  34.964 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1390: networkTick(1463) mapTick(100) received MapAlignAction from peer(0), mapAlignTick(101) appliedTickClosuresCount(0)
  34.964 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1834: networkTick(1464) mapTick(100) mapAlign finished targetTick(101) updating map and running the tasks ...
  34.964 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1706: networkTick(1464) mapTick(100) peerID(0) fullStateLog: local state(InGameAligning) local peers(((peerID(0) state(InGameAligning) mapAlignTick(101))
  34.964 Verbose NetworkInputHandler.cpp:585: expectedMapTick(100) NetworkTick(1464) lastTickApplied(91) tickCloseFailuresCount(12) dumping tickclosure queues ...
  34.964 Verbose NetworkInputHandler.cpp:595:  local peer(0) playerIndex(65535) tickClosures([tick(92) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ] [tick(93) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ] [tick(94) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ] [tick(95) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ] [tick(96) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ] [tick(97) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ] [tick(98) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ] [tick(99) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ] [tick(100) inputActions() ] )
  34.964 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:499: NetworkTick(1464) notClosedTickStreak(0) dumping heartbeat queues ...
  34.964 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:511:  local peer(0) heartbeats([networkTick(1458) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1459) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1460) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1461) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1462) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1463) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1464) closedTick(false)  ] )
  34.964 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1853: maptick(101) crc before applying all ticks: -1458260237
  34.964 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:670: applyAllTickClosures: expectedMapTick(101) lastTickApplied(92) referenceMapTick(101) networkTick(1464)
  34.964 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:694: applyAllTickClosures: applying tickClosure(tick(93) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ) for peer(0)
  34.965 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:694: applyAllTickClosures: applying tickClosure(tick(94) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ) for peer(0)
  34.965 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:694: applyAllTickClosures: applying tickClosure(tick(95) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ) for peer(0)
  34.965 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:694: applyAllTickClosures: applying tickClosure(tick(96) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ) for peer(0)
  34.965 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:694: applyAllTickClosures: applying tickClosure(tick(97) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ) for peer(0)
  34.965 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:694: applyAllTickClosures: applying tickClosure(tick(98) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ) for peer(0)
  34.965 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:694: applyAllTickClosures: applying tickClosure(tick(99) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ) for peer(0)
  34.965 Verbose NetworkInputHandler.cpp:585: expectedMapTick(101) NetworkTick(1464) lastTickApplied(100) tickCloseFailuresCount(0) dumping tickclosure queues ...
  34.965 Verbose NetworkInputHandler.cpp:595:  local peer(0) playerIndex(65535) tickClosures([tick(101) inputActions() ] )
  34.965 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1861: maptick(101) crc after applying all ticks: -1458260237
  34.965 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(1464) mapTick(101) changing state from(InGameAligning) to(InGameAligned)
  35.080 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(1470) Processing synchronizer action(PeerStateChanged) from peer(0) (local)
  35.081 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(1470) mapTick(101) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(InGameAligning) newState(InGameAligned)
  35.081 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(1470) mapTick(101) changing state from(InGameAligned) to(InGameWaitingForOthers)
  35.180 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(1476) Processing synchronizer action(PeerStateChanged) from peer(0) (local)
  35.181 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(1476) mapTick(101) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(InGameAligned) newState(InGameWaitingForOthers)
  35.181 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1342: networkTick(1476) mapTick(101) stopping mapAlign
  35.181 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1884: performing map align task (RemovePlayerAlignTask)
  35.181 Verbose MultiplayerManager.cpp:1898: NetworkTick(1476) performing RemovePlayerMapAlignTask(1)
  35.181 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1908: networkTick(1476) mapTick(101) finishing removing peer(1) hasPeer(false)
  35.181 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:548: expectedMapTick(101) removing peer(1) success(false).
  35.181 Info Synchronizer.cpp:538: networkTick(1476) removing peer(1) success(false).
  35.181 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(1476) mapTick(101) changing state from(InGameWaitingForOthers) to(InGame)
  35.181 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1706: networkTick(1476) mapTick(101) peerID(0) fullStateLog: local state(InGame) local peers(((peerID(0) state(InGameWaitingForOthers) mapAlignTick(-1))
  35.181 Verbose NetworkInputHandler.cpp:585: expectedMapTick(101) NetworkTick(1476) lastTickApplied(100) tickCloseFailuresCount(13) dumping tickclosure queues ...
  35.181 Verbose NetworkInputHandler.cpp:595:  local peer(0) playerIndex(65535) tickClosures([tick(101) inputActions() ] )
  35.181 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:499: NetworkTick(1476) notClosedTickStreak(0) dumping heartbeat queues ...
  35.181 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:511:  local peer(0) heartbeats([networkTick(1470) closedTick(true)  synchronizerActions((PeerStateChanged) ) ] [networkTick(1471) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1472) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1473) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1474) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1475) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1476) closedTick(false)  synchronizerActions((PeerStateChanged) ) ] )
  35.280 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(1482) Processing synchronizer action(PeerStateChanged) from peer(0) (local)
  35.281 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(1482) mapTick(101) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(InGameWaitingForOthers) newState(InGame)
^C  42.203 Received SIGINT, shutting down
  42.203 Info MainLoop.cpp:698: Saving map as /home/steam/factorio/0.13.4/saves/map.zip
  42.203 Verbose Scenario.cpp:533: Saving game as /home/steam/factorio/0.13.4/saves/map
  42.366 Verbose Scenario.cpp:613: Time to save game: 0.163483
  42.367 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:153: NetworkTick(1898) disconnecting multiplayer connection.
  42.367 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:64: expectedMapTick(101) sending PlayerLeaveGame
  42.367 Verbose NetworkInputHandler.cpp:585: expectedMapTick(101) NetworkTick(1898) lastTickApplied(100) tickCloseFailuresCount(0) dumping tickclosure queues ...
  42.367 Verbose NetworkInputHandler.cpp:595:  local peer(0) playerIndex(65535) tickClosures([tick(101) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ] )
  42.367 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(1904) Processing synchronizer action(PeerDisconnect) from peer(0) (local)
  42.367 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1571: Disconnect notification for peer (0)
  42.367 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1093: networkTick(1904) mapTick(101) removing peer(0) dropout(false)
  42.367 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(1904) mapTick(101) changing state from(InGame) to(InGameAligning)
  42.367 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1818: networkTick(1904) mapTick(101) starting mapAlign
  42.367 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1732: networkTick(1904) mapTick(101) adding mapAlignTask(RemovePlayerAlignTask)
  42.413 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(1910) Processing synchronizer action(PeerStateChanged) from peer(0) (local)
  42.414 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(1910) mapTick(101) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(InGame) newState(InGameAligning)
  42.414 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1752: networkTick(1910) mapTick(101) sending mapAlignAction
  42.513 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(1916) Processing synchronizer action(MapAlign) from peer(0) (local)
  42.514 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1390: networkTick(1916) mapTick(101) received MapAlignAction from peer(0), mapAlignTick(102) appliedTickClosuresCount(0)
  42.514 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1834: networkTick(1917) mapTick(101) mapAlign finished targetTick(102) updating map and running the tasks ...
  42.514 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1706: networkTick(1917) mapTick(101) peerID(0) fullStateLog: local state(InGameAligning) local peers(((peerID(0) state(InGameAligning) mapAlignTick(102))
  42.514 Verbose NetworkInputHandler.cpp:585: expectedMapTick(101) NetworkTick(1917) lastTickApplied(100) tickCloseFailuresCount(0) dumping tickclosure queues ...
  42.514 Verbose NetworkInputHandler.cpp:595:  local peer(0) playerIndex(65535) tickClosures([tick(101) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ] )
  42.514 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:499: NetworkTick(1917) notClosedTickStreak(0) dumping heartbeat queues ...
  42.514 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:511:  local peer(0) heartbeats([networkTick(1911) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1912) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1913) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1914) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1915) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1916) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1917) closedTick(false)  ] )
  42.514 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1853: maptick(102) crc before applying all ticks: 395286470
  42.514 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:670: applyAllTickClosures: expectedMapTick(102) lastTickApplied(100) referenceMapTick(102) networkTick(1917)
  42.514 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:694: applyAllTickClosures: applying tickClosure(tick(101) inputActions((CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ) for peer(0)
  42.514 Verbose NetworkInputHandler.cpp:585: expectedMapTick(102) NetworkTick(1917) lastTickApplied(101) tickCloseFailuresCount(2) dumping tickclosure queues ...
  42.514 Verbose NetworkInputHandler.cpp:595:  local peer(0) playerIndex(65535) tickClosures([tick(102) inputActions() ] )
  42.514 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1861: maptick(102) crc after applying all ticks: 395286470
  42.514 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(1917) mapTick(102) changing state from(InGameAligning) to(InGameAligned)
  42.630 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(1923) Processing synchronizer action(PeerStateChanged) from peer(0) (local)
  42.630 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(1923) mapTick(102) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(InGameAligning) newState(InGameAligned)
  42.630 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(1923) mapTick(102) changing state from(InGameAligned) to(InGameWaitingForOthers)
  42.730 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(1929) Processing synchronizer action(PeerStateChanged) from peer(0) (local)
  42.730 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(1929) mapTick(102) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(InGameAligned) newState(InGameWaitingForOthers)
  42.730 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1342: networkTick(1929) mapTick(102) stopping mapAlign
  42.730 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1884: performing map align task (RemovePlayerAlignTask)
  42.730 Verbose MultiplayerManager.cpp:1898: NetworkTick(1929) performing RemovePlayerMapAlignTask(0)
  42.730 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(1929) mapTick(102) changing state from(InGameWaitingForOthers) to(Disconnecting)
  42.730 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1706: networkTick(1929) mapTick(102) peerID(0) fullStateLog: local state(Disconnecting) local peers(((peerID(0) state(InGameWaitingForOthers) mapAlignTick(-1))
  42.730 Verbose NetworkInputHandler.cpp:585: expectedMapTick(102) NetworkTick(1929) lastTickApplied(101) tickCloseFailuresCount(2) dumping tickclosure queues ...
  42.730 Verbose NetworkInputHandler.cpp:595:  local peer(0) playerIndex(65535) tickClosures([tick(102) inputActions() ] )
  42.730 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:499: NetworkTick(1929) notClosedTickStreak(0) dumping heartbeat queues ...
  42.730 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:511:  local peer(0) heartbeats([networkTick(1923) closedTick(true)  synchronizerActions((PeerStateChanged) ) ] [networkTick(1924) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1925) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1926) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1927) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1928) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1929) closedTick(false)  synchronizerActions((PeerStateChanged) ) ] )
  42.830 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(1935) Processing synchronizer action(PeerStateChanged) from peer(0) (local)
  43.047 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(1948) mapTick(102) changing state from(Disconnecting) to(QuitScheduled)
  43.047 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:180: NetworkTick(1948) quitting multiplayer connection.
  43.047 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(1948) mapTick(102) changing state from(QuitScheduled) to(Disconnected)
  43.047 Warning NetworkInputHandler.cpp:765: mapTick(102) networkTick(1948) disconnecting from player but already disconnected.
  43.239 Info Router.cpp:558: Router peerID(0) shutting down.
  43.239 Verbose Router.cpp:391: Finishing router thread.
  43.239 Info PosixUDPSocket.cpp:154: Socket closed
  43.239 Info Router.cpp:594: Router state -> Disconnected
  43.323 Goodbye
with a password set in server-settings.json, this does not result in a password dialog to pop up on the client:

Code: Select all

   0.000 2016-07-05 17:48:11; Factorio 0.13.4 (build 23025, linux64, headless)
   0.060 Operating system: Linux (Ubuntu 14.04)
   0.060 Program arguments: "bin/x64/factorio" "--verbose" "--start-server" "saves/map.zip" "--server-settings" "data/server-settings.json" 
   0.060 Read data path: /home/steam/factorio/0.13.4/data
   0.060 Write data path: /home/steam/factorio/0.13.4
   0.060 Binaries path: /home/steam/factorio/0.13.4/bin
   0.074 Running in headless mode
   0.077 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
   0.082 Loading mod base 0.13.4 (data.lua)
   0.184 Checksum for core: 714099156
   0.184 Checksum for mod base: 3065127710
   0.433 Custom inputs active: 0
   0.433 Factorio initialised
   0.433 Info Router.cpp:558: Router peerID(65535) shutting down.
   0.433 Info Router.cpp:594: Router state -> Disconnected
   0.435 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(0) mapTick(-1) changing state from(Ready) to(PreparedToHostGame)
   0.435 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(0) mapTick(-1) changing state from(PreparedToHostGame) to(CreatingGame)
   0.435 Loading map /home/steam/factorio/0.13.4/saves/map.zip
   0.469 Info Scenario.cpp:129: Map version 0.13.4-1
   0.548 Checksum for script /home/steam/factorio/0.13.4/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 900459546
   0.555 Info PosixUDPSocket.cpp:50: Opening socket at port 34197
   0.555 Info Router.cpp:594: Router state -> Connected
   0.555 Info Synchronizer.cpp:56: NetworkTick(0) initialized Synchronizer local peer(0) latency(6).
   0.555 Hosting game at port 34197, peerID 0, session magic 3725
   0.555 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(0) mapTick(101) changing state from(CreatingGame) to(InGame)
   0.555 Verbose Router.cpp:253: Started router thread.
   0.555 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:45: mapTick(101) networkTick(0) initialized NetworkInputHandler local peer(0).
   0.672 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(6) Processing synchronizer action(PeerInfo) from peer(0) (local)
   0.672 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1527: Received peer info for peer(0) username(<server>).
   0.672 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(6) Processing synchronizer action(PeerStateChanged) from peer(0) (local)
   0.672 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(6) mapTick(101) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(Ready) newState(CreatingGame)
   0.672 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(6) Processing synchronizer action(PeerStateChanged) from peer(0) (local)
   0.672 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(6) mapTick(101) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(CreatingGame) newState(InGame)
   8.189 Connection request(type(ConnectionRequest) applicationVersion(0.13.4 (build 23025, linux64, headless)) activeMods((base 0.13.4) ) hasPassword(no) connectionRequestID(21919)) from(
   8.189 Refusing connection for address( Unknown key:"Password not provided or not matching."
   8.689 Connection request(type(ConnectionRequest) applicationVersion(0.13.4 (build 23025, linux64, headless)) activeMods((base 0.13.4) ) hasPassword(no) connectionRequestID(21919)) from(
   8.689 Refusing connection for address( Unknown key:"Password not provided or not matching."
   9.189 Connection request(type(ConnectionRequest) applicationVersion(0.13.4 (build 23025, linux64, headless)) activeMods((base 0.13.4) ) hasPassword(no) connectionRequestID(21919)) from(
   9.189 Refusing connection for address( Unknown key:"Password not provided or not matching."
^C  17.544 Received SIGINT, shutting down
  17.545 Info MainLoop.cpp:698: Saving map as /home/steam/factorio/0.13.4/saves/map.zip
  17.545 Verbose Scenario.cpp:533: Saving game as /home/steam/factorio/0.13.4/saves/map
  17.709 Verbose Scenario.cpp:613: Time to save game: 0.164633
  17.709 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:153: NetworkTick(1019) disconnecting multiplayer connection.
  17.709 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:64: expectedMapTick(101) sending PlayerLeaveGame
  17.709 Verbose NetworkInputHandler.cpp:585: expectedMapTick(101) NetworkTick(1019) lastTickApplied(-1) tickCloseFailuresCount(0) dumping tickclosure queues ...
  17.709 Verbose NetworkInputHandler.cpp:595:  local peer(0) playerIndex(65535) tickClosures([tick(101) inputActions((MultiplayerInit) (CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ] )
  17.709 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(1025) Processing synchronizer action(PeerDisconnect) from peer(0) (local)
  17.709 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1571: Disconnect notification for peer (0)
  17.709 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1093: networkTick(1025) mapTick(101) removing peer(0) dropout(false)
  17.709 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(1025) mapTick(101) changing state from(InGame) to(InGameAligning)
  17.709 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1818: networkTick(1025) mapTick(101) starting mapAlign
  17.709 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1732: networkTick(1025) mapTick(101) adding mapAlignTask(RemovePlayerAlignTask)
  17.755 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(1031) Processing synchronizer action(PeerStateChanged) from peer(0) (local)
  17.755 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(1031) mapTick(101) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(InGame) newState(InGameAligning)
  17.755 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1752: networkTick(1031) mapTick(101) sending mapAlignAction
  17.855 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(1037) Processing synchronizer action(MapAlign) from peer(0) (local)
  17.855 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1390: networkTick(1037) mapTick(101) received MapAlignAction from peer(0), mapAlignTick(102) appliedTickClosuresCount(0)
  17.855 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1834: networkTick(1038) mapTick(101) mapAlign finished targetTick(102) updating map and running the tasks ...
  17.855 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1706: networkTick(1038) mapTick(101) peerID(0) fullStateLog: local state(InGameAligning) local peers(((peerID(0) state(InGameAligning) mapAlignTick(102))
  17.855 Verbose NetworkInputHandler.cpp:585: expectedMapTick(101) NetworkTick(1038) lastTickApplied(-1) tickCloseFailuresCount(0) dumping tickclosure queues ...
  17.855 Verbose NetworkInputHandler.cpp:595:  local peer(0) playerIndex(65535) tickClosures([tick(101) inputActions((MultiplayerInit) (CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ] )
  17.855 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:499: NetworkTick(1038) notClosedTickStreak(0) dumping heartbeat queues ...
  17.855 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:511:  local peer(0) heartbeats([networkTick(1032) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1033) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1034) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1035) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1036) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1037) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1038) closedTick(false)  ] )
  17.855 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1853: maptick(102) crc before applying all ticks: 395286470
  17.855 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:670: applyAllTickClosures: expectedMapTick(102) lastTickApplied(-1) referenceMapTick(102) networkTick(1038)
  17.855 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:694: applyAllTickClosures: applying tickClosure(tick(101) inputActions((MultiplayerInit) (CheckCRCHeuristic) ) ) for peer(0)
  17.855 Verbose NetworkInputHandler.cpp:585: expectedMapTick(102) NetworkTick(1038) lastTickApplied(101) tickCloseFailuresCount(2) dumping tickclosure queues ...
  17.855 Verbose NetworkInputHandler.cpp:595:  local peer(0) playerIndex(65535) tickClosures([tick(102) inputActions() ] )
  17.855 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1861: maptick(102) crc after applying all ticks: 395286470
  17.855 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(1038) mapTick(102) changing state from(InGameAligning) to(InGameAligned)
  17.972 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(1044) Processing synchronizer action(PeerStateChanged) from peer(0) (local)
  17.972 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(1044) mapTick(102) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(InGameAligning) newState(InGameAligned)
  17.972 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(1044) mapTick(102) changing state from(InGameAligned) to(InGameWaitingForOthers)
  18.072 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(1050) Processing synchronizer action(PeerStateChanged) from peer(0) (local)
  18.072 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(1050) mapTick(102) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(InGameAligned) newState(InGameWaitingForOthers)
  18.072 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1342: networkTick(1050) mapTick(102) stopping mapAlign
  18.072 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1884: performing map align task (RemovePlayerAlignTask)
  18.072 Verbose MultiplayerManager.cpp:1898: NetworkTick(1050) performing RemovePlayerMapAlignTask(0)
  18.072 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(1050) mapTick(102) changing state from(InGameWaitingForOthers) to(Disconnecting)
  18.072 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1706: networkTick(1050) mapTick(102) peerID(0) fullStateLog: local state(Disconnecting) local peers(((peerID(0) state(InGameWaitingForOthers) mapAlignTick(-1))
  18.072 Verbose NetworkInputHandler.cpp:585: expectedMapTick(102) NetworkTick(1050) lastTickApplied(101) tickCloseFailuresCount(2) dumping tickclosure queues ...
  18.072 Verbose NetworkInputHandler.cpp:595:  local peer(0) playerIndex(65535) tickClosures([tick(102) inputActions() ] )
  18.072 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:499: NetworkTick(1050) notClosedTickStreak(0) dumping heartbeat queues ...
  18.072 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:511:  local peer(0) heartbeats([networkTick(1044) closedTick(true)  synchronizerActions((PeerStateChanged) ) ] [networkTick(1045) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1046) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1047) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1048) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1049) closedTick(true)  ] [networkTick(1050) closedTick(false)  synchronizerActions((PeerStateChanged) ) ] )
  18.172 Verbose Synchronizer.cpp:305: NetworkTick(1056) Processing synchronizer action(PeerStateChanged) from peer(0) (local)
  18.388 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(1069) mapTick(102) changing state from(Disconnecting) to(QuitScheduled)
  18.388 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:180: NetworkTick(1069) quitting multiplayer connection.
  18.388 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(1069) mapTick(102) changing state from(QuitScheduled) to(Disconnected)
  18.388 Warning NetworkInputHandler.cpp:765: mapTick(102) networkTick(1069) disconnecting from player but already disconnected.
  18.608 Info Router.cpp:558: Router peerID(0) shutting down.
  18.608 Verbose Router.cpp:391: Finishing router thread.
  18.608 Info PosixUDPSocket.cpp:154: Socket closed
  18.608 Info Router.cpp:594: Router state -> Disconnected
  18.654 Goodbye
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 5
Joined: Fri Jul 01, 2016 9:47 am

Re: [0.12.33] [Pending] [Server Connection Refused

Post by universal »

adding username and password seem to have solved the issue. changing any of the other settings does not help. What i noticed is, that i can only connect through one of the three ips assigned to the server. Not sure if I should create a new topic for that issue. It would be great to be able to bind to a specific ip.
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