Well, technically even if the player isn't connected he should still have a force variable equal to one of the three valid forces?jorgenRe wrote:Careful with doing anything with player without checking if player is connected first. I think it was if players(1).connected then continue from hereSimcra wrote:Line 52 of control.lua causes a crash when attempting to create world in singleplayer, here's the fix I found for it.Code: Select all
if global.space_status == "locked" and game.get_player(1) and read_satellites_sent_from_gui(game.get_player(1).force) then
Or else it might crash during multiplayer game due to player 1 not being connected for some odd reason !
Regardless, it fixed our problem. Not trying to step on toes here, trying to help.
Additionally, doesn't the game pause when nobody is in the server?