[0.12.33] crash when updating modded item placeableResult

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[0.12.33] crash when updating modded item placeableResult

Post by judos »

Hi there,

I'm working on updating hardCrafting to 0.3.11. The crusher machine should become an aseembling machine (select recipe) instead of furnace (can't select recipe) as people requested this.
So I added a new entity "crusher-v2". The old entity "crusher" still exists. For the item "crusher" I changed the placable result to "crusher-v2".

/edit2: When I do a migration file to change the entity from "crusher" to "crusher-v2" the game crashes when loading the map with some log:

Code: Select all

c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-llngfe\src\energy\electricenergysource.cpp (225): ElectricEnergySource::connectPoles
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-llngfe\src\entity\entity.cpp (238): Entity::setup
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-llngfe\src\entity\entitywithowner.cpp (105): EntityWithOwner::setup
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-llngfe\src\entity\craftingmachine.cpp (693): CraftingMachine::setup
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-llngfe\src\entity\assemblingmachine.cpp (338): AssemblingMachine::setup
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-llngfe\src\map\map.cpp (621): Map::setupEntities
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-llngfe\src\scenario\scenario.cpp (188): Scenario::loadFactory
See also attached log

The migration I used:

Code: Select all

	"entity": [
		[ "crusher", "crusher-v2" ]
When I don't use a migration.json file:
Now when trying to migrate an old save game I found that the game crashes when a construction robot is still trying to pick up a crusher item and build a blueprint (which was set before migrating to the new mod version.

I can guess from the logs that the EntityGhost::itemToCreateThis doesn't find an item to create the old ghost entity. So I would assume the ghost just vanishes. But instead the game crashes.

For detailled logs+mods+savegame see attachement.

/edit: I guess i'm doing the migration wrong. If someone has a blueprint with crusher entities in there, it would probably also not work. How can I migrate the entity correctly?

Thanks a lot for having a look at this!

P.S. why don't you guys use a jira ticketing system? :P
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Re: [0.12.33] crash when updating modded item placeableResult

Post by Klonan »

I can't seem to get a mod to load like this,
The entity needs an item to place, so the old entity will still need an item to place it

Anyway, you should just migrate all the parts, the entities and items, instead of trying to reuse the old ones

But the game shouldn't load when an entity doesn't have an item to place it
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