Yuoki Industries - Addon Engines 0.4.20 (0.14.X)

Energy production, weapons, handling fluids and much more - excellent graphics.

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Re: Yuoki Industries - Addon Engines 0.1.7 (f0.12)

Post by monty »

First of all a great mod :D
I have been waiting for someone to come to the ENGINE section. There has been a lot of addition in the thermal section. It a little new but I think it has great scope in the future
And very good graphics too. :D

There are a few things I want to share for development though,
Lets start small
The valve needs a lil tweaking
It’s a great help with liquid planning, but it needs a it of changes
Currently it stores 50 liquid. This drops the flow rate and it also holds liquid which I rather not have in it. Technically it should hold 0 liquid, however it would be great if it could come down below 10(or maybe one~~as the shafts have 3 units so I was thinking maybe in that range)

That I think should help slightly PUSH water out from the inlet pipe to outlet one.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Addon Engines 0.1.7 (f0.12)

Post by monty »

I have something to say about the mf fluid and boilers. I am going to divide it into 2 parts for ease of understanding.

I think that ‘nasabot’ way of implementations is the right way.
Let me elaborate. In the base factorio things are made in small parts, like in a factory , and together they form a unit.For example every pipe unit is a pipe in itself, but many pipes together make a PIPE ASSEMBLY that has a single job (like they all transfer water to boiler). The boiler were the same. Each boiler in the base game is not the entire boiler of the factory, BUT MORE LIKE A SEGMENT OF THE BOILER. Many smaller boilers come together to get the job done.
This also explains their low efficiency as large losses to the environment .(coming back..)

Most of the thermal (boilers) units in this mods are actually an assembly. THEY ARE THE WHOLE PACKAGE. The turbines and generators however helps us make any desired setup. They are like multiple stages of a turbine. The ideal setup would to use both MF and steam together, having the steam input and loose energy and MF gain. I used this relation to understand your way of coding the mf
This made me come to understand some major conditions that u need to put.
1>MF cant acts as a unit but as a whole-if there are 10 shafts in a line, then they should get approx. to same mf throughout. Same applies to output to machines.
2>Tanking and giving power to the already existing mf
This helped me get some basic idea about the setup. Unlike steam/thermal cycle, since they DON’T NEED to equalize, larger “low RPM” MF can be used to generate smaller volume of very high RPM mf.

a) How about adding something like a flywheel for storage of energy<and maybe somehow rate it to deliver a desired output>
its not a storage tank, it just stores a small amount of MF(in range of shaft 3-10) and acts as a fluctuation check. It can be rated to take inlet at all above its current RPM and give output at a desired RPM

b) The gear assembly can be made for usage purpose that acts like a multi entry pipe(something like a T pipe), it takes inlet and transfers higher(or rated ) rpm at one end and lower at other. This way we get a fixed rpm at one end and the other end can be “ramped up” or reprocessed.
The different needs and demands can be managed with this.

Storing MF “COULD”(should) not be allowed, because it might equalize like any other liquid, but its temperature or RPM can be stored is the basic idea.
By the way its an amazing mod, I must say again.

Also if possible, since I get a feeling ur a good coder, could u make the generator or turbines such that their efficiency varies with the RPM. I would like to make a setup of a low pressure and high pressure turbine.
Also could there be some description on the gear ratio in the gearbox so that player can expect a certain output from it.
And is it possible to get a TEMPERATURE VALVE that only allows a fluid above a certain temp. to pass.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Addon Engines 0.1.7 (f0.12)

Post by monty »

The other thing I wanted to add was the new boilers and their setups.
I think that these boilers are not overpowered. And that is in context with the amount of energy the new buildings consume. This is an insane amount by the way (topic for another time).
Anyways, the trouble with them is however not their high power consumption, but the delivery system.
This brings us to a point where I have used a combination to get it to work. The MF fluid used in the mod has a higher specific heat, and a higher max temp.
But it cant be used for the CONSUMPTION purpose of the turbines.

But this gave me an idea. if we use higher specific heat fluid to gain heat from the boiler and transfer it to a lower one.
i used HEAT exchange from mopower mod, made it 100% efficient and then used it to heat PRESSURIZED WATER (again form mopower).
And for the basic cycle i used uranium power from (atomic power mod)

THE working fluid is
boiler =steam
generator = p.water

t min =150
t max =600
sp heat = 1MJ<<yes thats a m, 1000KJ)

p. water
t min =15
t max =350
sp heat = 2.4 KJ

in this setup, since the boiler fluid doesnt gets consumed, u can choose any no matter how hard they are to produce.

i think the rest is easy to figure out.

1 unit of steam in one of the boiler set up(an assembly with 100 MJ output)
will raise only 100 degrees

while it can be used to heat

(100*1000)/(2.4*(350-15)) = appx 124 units of p. water

if u use water,
100*1000/1*85= 1175 units

although i think that steam with the insane output is very unreal, but using another fluid with higher heat capacity to indirectly heat lower can work

for steam it can use more than 20 , 50MW generators in series, then go for discharge cycle.

for p water and water, or steam from this mod and water, the cycle can be 2 to 5, 50MW generators and then discharge.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Addon Engines 0.1.7 (f0.12)

Post by monty »

here it is
Last edited by monty on Tue Jan 12, 2016 4:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Addon Engines 0.1.7 (f0.12)

Post by Fatmice »

Hello Monty,

First, you should know that Yuoki doesn't like to code things in Factorio (not that he doesn't code or is incapable of coding). Second, I maintain the codes that he used, as I have in the past and will continue to do so for as long as Yuoki support his mods. Now, on to the merits of your ideas.

1/ You should check out my builds for the most recent additions to Engines. There is a thread in this sub forum where I've given the blueprints for some of my builds. It's fair to say that I've used and abused them as far as anyone could. So, see if my solutions are what you need and scale them up as needed.

2/ MF, mechanical force, is a reduction of shaft power to heat power. There is no concept of rotational energy in Factorio so there is no way of storing it or manipulating it. Things in Factorio are quantized and the transformation and conduction of energy is perfect unless the transformation itself is required to be inefficient. Shaft power is not quantized. While the conduction is lossless, the transfer of energy is never lossless. Energy transfer is greatest when the speed difference is greatest, and so is the energy loss as heat due to friction. While the latter is more complex and interesting, perhaps more down to earth, it is computationally expensive to model accurately en mase. This is why Factorio has chosen the former with a simplified version of heat work. This decision also rendered the two systems from ever coexisting again. What Yuoki has done with MF is to try as salvage the spirit of shaft power within the framework of heat power while accepting all of the baggage that comes with the latter. ;)

3/ Rpm can not be modeled. There is nothing in Factorio that spins or can be made to spin where its speed affect its work. There are only states in Factorio. There is also no way to transport spin. You could tokenize spin and transform it in a series of assembly machines (state manipulation), but then what is the meaning of a barrel of spin or a chest of spin? :?

4/ So spin is modeled as a fluid where temperature is angular speed and torque is heat capacity. This is why you see lots of high temperature steam, which is hot but has low heat capacity and low viscosity, are turned into low amounts of MF with high temperature, high heat capacity, and high viscosity. The problem with fluid is that the same type with different temperature will commingle and yield an average temperature. This is a limitation of the model that must be accepted and the user must be careful to keep MF of different temperature from mixing.

5/ There is no way to stop a user from storing MF in a tank. In fact, storing MF is not whole incompatible since there are fly-wheels. So it is up to the user to regulate this aspect. Do they want to pretend that the tank is just a fly-wheel or not :?: If they can't pretend or not willing to, then perhaps they should design around totally consuming the MF that is made in their system(s). This is entirely possible since Factorio and its underlying mechanisms are always stateful and quantized.

6/ Your steam cycle is not workable. There is no such steam where the heat capacity of steam is higher than that of liquid water under any pressure or temperature regime that I know off. The reason steam can do work is due to either pressure differential (P) and/or volume differential (V). Reciprocating engines uses both PV work while turbines only uses P work. Heat energy imparted to water is carried by steam in its volume, mostly in volume expansion due to the transition from a liquid to a gas. The remainder of the energy is stored in latent heat, specific heat of vaporization, but does no directly useful PV work. This latent heat can be used to drive heat cycles, which indirectly improves the efficiency of PV work.

7/ If you want a better steam cycle, use my mod. I have plans for improving it beyond what it is now, i.e. having high/low pressure turbines and regenerative heating cycles. It already has a low water consumption for the amount of power that it can output.

8/ Regarding pipe valves, it is just a one way pipe. Use a pump if you want to push on the fluid, which incidentally is also a one way pipe that requires power to work. ;)

9/ You use too many of my heat exchangers for what you want to do. Less is more. And unless I'm mistaken, pressurized-water is also from my mod. Mopower, has its own concept of uranium and getting power from it.

10/ The steam turbine makes MF from steam. That MF is consumed in the Generators.

Btw, your spoilers are not working.
Maintainer and developer of Atomic Power. See here for more information.
Current release: 0.6.6 - Requires 0.14.x
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Addon Engines 0.1.8 (f0.12)

Post by YuokiTani »

after a long time a small update to 0.1.8

- it's now possible to create water-independed electric-outposts without kickstarting through solar-panels. the stirling-engines generate pressured MF, so you can use to power-generation or kickstart a system. the output quality is poor but can improved as before with a gear-box ... to start your cycle you need to kickstart this. fuel-supply can provided with trains, or you mine a coal-field ;)
- the overheater consumes now solid-fuel
- the overheater - turbine - generator cycle looses water, so you need add water to keep this system running
- some of the recipes drasticly changed, and i added blue-unified science, H-metal, Fuseing Center Core
- collecting BUF (Blue-Unified-Sciene) is easy, build the machinery and apply 250 MW to it ;) or with beacons and modules 50 MW. (around 8 MW consum idle - better you disconnect)

outpost and stuff
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Addon Engines 0.1.8 (f0.12)

Post by monty »

First of all i feel sorry for replying so late. Your response on the same day played the trick. So i didnt knew that someone replied.
Anyways, i didnt know that you were doing the coding work , that’s good to know.
And about the spoilers , it was my first time using them, but now I know how to use them.

I am new to the suggestion system so sometimes I don’t get the message delivered through like I think in my mind. I request u to be patient with that though. So I am going to go point wise to avoid misunderstanding as much as possible
4 pic

9 a
9 b
9 a pic
9 b 2X90 Boiler setup
9 c setup close up

Pipe setup
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Addon Engines 0.1.8 (f0.12)

Post by monty »

This is the valve setting and its effect on flow (as pump)(look for water amount in right)
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Addon Engines 0.1.8 (f0.12)

Post by bennybanana »

Very nice mod, lots of things to play with, but i need your help guys ... Gearboxes supposed to increase temp of the fluid, right?
Im confused - i put a line of gearboxes, filled up the first pipe with 15 fluid(temp was 100 - output from stirling engine), then turned gearboxes on and got fluid with temp 37 in the last pipe and temp 29 in pump. But if i use only one gearbox i get fluid with temp over 100
Is something wrong or it should be like this?

If i use shafts i get higher temperature but still for example temp on second gearbox output can me lower then the temp on the first gearbox output
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Addon Engines 0.1.8 (f0.12)

Post by Fatmice »

Don't pump things out, let it leave the gearbox slowly.
Maintainer and developer of Atomic Power. See here for more information.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Addon Engines 0.1.8 (f0.12)

Post by bennybanana »

On previous page Nasabot has already mentioned, that gearboxes are confising ... i guess i also dont understand the logic ...

If i remove pums and replace pipes with shafts i will still have temp loss. But if i just keep one gearbox and make a shafts loop from output to input of a gearbox, fill the loop with MF and turn it on the temp will keep increasing all the time. But it does not happen when there several gearboxes in one line ... something seems to be wrong or i aslo dont understand the logic
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Addon Engines 0.1.8 (f0.12)

Post by Fatmice »

There is nothing confusing about the gearbox. It has two recipes, one exchanges lubricant, some MF, and some energy for hot MF, while another exchanges water, energy and MF for a bit less hot MF. If you want to use it effectively, you need to setup a loop where a fixed amount of MF remains within the gearboxes. The best way to do this is pipe MF into a tank then loop it back to the gearbox. You need to replenish MF though as the MF that gets looped back will diminish with each cycle. This is a "price" you pay to increase the temperature of the MF. Then you use a pump controlled by a wire on the tank to only activate when the tank has more than a certain amount of MF. If you want to know what MF actually is, then I encourage you to read the historical posts in this thread by me.
Maintainer and developer of Atomic Power. See here for more information.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Addon Engines 0.1.8 (f0.12)

Post by bennybanana »

So far MF looks like a source of endless power, if you run gearbox with lubricant you can easily get 5 times more Mj then you use to prodice MF( i understand mod still needs a lot of balancing, so it is ok), with water around 1.6 - 2 times more beacause of the MF loss ... at least that what i was able to get, maybe you can get more even with water, but with water my output temp was again lower then input.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Addon Engines 0.1.8 (f0.12)

Post by Fatmice »

You need more retention in pipes so the output fluid-box has a chance to be modified. If the fluid from the output side is completely drained very quickly, then the temperature will drop or fluctuates wildly.

Depending on how you setup the MF, if you feed it correctly, then you can get a perpetual cycle. It is more fun to setup than tiling solars. Using water to generate hot MF is very tight in energy payoff. I don't think it can be perpetual if you use the motors to generate the initial MF and use vanilla steam-engines to generate power.
Maintainer and developer of Atomic Power. See here for more information.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Addon Engines 0.1.8 (f0.12)

Post by YuokiTani »

Fatmice wrote:You need more retention in pipes so the output fluid-box has a chance to be modified. If the fluid from the output side is completely drained very quickly, then the temperature will drop or fluctuates wildly.
Depending on how you setup the MF, if you feed it correctly, then you can get a perpetual cycle. It is more fun to setup than tiling solars. Using water to generate hot MF is very tight in energy payoff. I don't think it can be perpetual if you use the motors to generate the initial MF and use vanilla steam-engines to generate power.
E-Motors changed in last version, so you need at least 2 gearboxes in line to get a cycle - but at this point you can't take away energy so of course it depends on how you build your setup. in my experiments the setups also reacts very tense to load-changes and stop completly if you run out of MF ... needs after stop also handwork to start again or a automated start-setup.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Addon Engines 0.1.8 (f0.12)

Post by Fatmice »

bennybanana wrote:So far MF looks like a source of endless power, if you run gearbox with lubricant you can easily get 5 times more Mj then you use to prodice MF( i understand mod still needs a lot of balancing, so it is ok), with water around 1.6 - 2 times more beacause of the MF loss ... at least that what i was able to get, maybe you can get more even with water, but with water my output temp was again lower then input.
YuokiTani wrote:E-Motors changed in last version, so you need at least 2 gearboxes in line to get a cycle - but at this point you can't take away energy so of course it depends on how you build your setup. in my experiments the setups also reacts very tense to load-changes and stop completly if you run out of MF ... needs after stop also handwork to start again or a automated start-setup.
Here's a perpetual build :D
Endless Energy With Gearbox
Maintainer and developer of Atomic Power. See here for more information.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Addon Engines 0.1.8 (f0.12)

Post by YuokiTani »

Fatmice wrote: Here's a perpetual build :D
Endless Energy With Gearbox
very nice and a good use of the flow-triggers :) - power transfer is limited with accumulators
i'am sure most people are 600kW to less and go more greedy ;)
How long do you take to figure this setup out and testing ?
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Addon Engines 0.1.8 (f0.12)

Post by Fatmice »

The one in the picture is 1200KW as I tiled two of them. If you want more, just tile more, kind of like a solar setup that works day/night. It actually is better than a solar setup by a factor of 1.5x. It took me four hours to revise it down to the final build.

This setup is great for outposts if you don't want to drag power out to them. The setup does generate pollution though, so biters might come ;)

If you look carefully, what I setup is essentially a heat exchange.
Maintainer and developer of Atomic Power. See here for more information.
Current release: 0.6.6 - Requires 0.14.x
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Addon Engines 0.1.8 (f0.12)

Post by bennybanana »

Fatmice wrote: This setup is great for outposts if you don't want to drag power out to them. The setup does generate pollution though, so biters might come ;)
The only problem in your setup is that you need to limit the maximum power output per setup, otherwiswe if you load it too much, you will start loosing temp and fluid, and then the setup will stop working and it will not be so great for your outpost ;) ... so it is better to use 2-3 SS-Turbines, (depends on how many motors you use and if you boost the motors with beacons or not)
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Addon Engines 0.1.8 (f0.12)

Post by Fatmice »

bennybanana wrote: The only problem in your setup is that you need to limit the maximum power output per setup, otherwiswe if you load it too much, you will start loosing temp and fluid, and then the setup will stop working and it will not be so great for your outpost ;) ... so it is better to use 2-3 SS-Turbines, (depends on how many motors you use and if you boost the motors with beacons or not)
There is no problem with my setup. You need to pay careful attention to how I wired it. The basic accumulators are for bleeding heat from the system in a controlled manner to limit the energy output. Using SS-Turbine will lower the amount of energy you can get out of the setup so that is why I used Rensuir turbine as it is the most efficient out of all the turbines. Never boost motors with beacons, as you only get net negative cycles. You complained that the gearbox was hard to use so I gave you a working build that is perfect and ready to use.
Maintainer and developer of Atomic Power. See here for more information.
Current release: 0.6.6 - Requires 0.14.x
Example build - Requires 0.14.x
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