It's a fairly simple game, if fact it was more or less a prototype, but it's a lot of fun and made with Ascii characters!! (may be an upside or down depending on you

Anyway the game is.... Dig-N-Rig!
Created by students at DigiPen Institute of Technology; the birthplace of Narbacular Drop (the inspiration for Portal) and Tag: the Power of Paint (the inspiration for gels in Portal 2, see a trend?) among other clever and unique games. You can also find those two and plenty more on the site, but back to DnR!
It's a side-scrolling, platforming, dig 'em up, mining rig-builder...oh and it's free so you should just try it! There are only slight similarities to Factorio, mostly building conveyor belts, but I think you guys might enjoy it even for it's simplicity. If nothing else it can kill a few minutes while waiting for a download, speaking of which: talk to you later!