Note: I am still on 0.12.10 and version 5.0 of your mods
Terraforming station:
- In the function GetFactorPerTerraformingStation you got the loop wrong and as result you add up one station too much. You see this by having a return value bigger than one.
So the code should be 'for i = 1, (numTerraformingStations - 1) do' here.
I propose to set the scaling value back to 0.90 as in 0.4.4. With 0.85 they get meaningless very fast.
- The reduction for the terratorming station in 'on_event(' is not good.
My evolution factor ingame dropped to 0 and stayed there. Reason is that in the early game the stations are very overpowered and if the evolution factor is very low you set the evolution factor back to 0, but the reduction can be much more than a single terraforming station scan. I propose to change the logic to this:
Code: Select all
reduction = ((0.000125 * global.factormultiplier) * game.evolution_factor * (1 - game.evolution_factor))
if game.evolution_factor > reduction then
game.evolution_factor = game.evolution_factor - reduction
game.evolution_factor = .0001
- the reductions is calculated first and applied as long as suitable. v5.0.0 sets the evolution factor to 0.0001 once you are below 5% which is plain insane if you ever get there.
- I additionally scaled the reduction by game.evolution_factor. This may be a bit of a too hard nerf, but currently they are plainly overpowered. If no biter bases are within pollution range anymore the evolution factor will drop to 0 even with only 2 stations. Making the reductions globally weaker will likely make then useless with a more aggressive play style, so scaling it with the evolution factor seems like the most sensible approach. But I guess to balance this better checking the effect on a polluting base with a evolution factor around 70% is necessary. I propose to change it as above and wait for complains that they are underpowered

Spitter Spawner / Alien Hatchery:
- From what I can tell the friendly "Natural_Evolution_Spitter-Spawner" spawner has a faulty spawn table and only spawn biters. (In /Natural_Evolution_Buildings_5.0.0/prototypes/Alien_Hatchery/entity.lua).
- Additionally I think it would be nice if the spawn table would not be based on the enemy evolution factor and instead on which units for the hatchery are unlocked. At least my problem currently is that only small biters spawn and they cannot damage enemy structures due to their high resistances, but in my playtrough my player progress is currently imba due to the issues with the terraforming station above. I guess if this is fixed one may not even notice this.
- I think the units in the alien hatchery are way to expensive. They die fast after all in used in combat.
- It would be nice if the spawners and worms could be deconstructed. This could make them overpowered so to balance this they could yield something which needs to be re-infused by some alien artifacts before they can be placed again. Not sure if the api allows this trough.
- It would be nice to have a range indication for the mind control station similar as for the artifact collector while placing. For my taste the range is generally too low, but I didn't really tested it much
- Mind controlled and self build alien units are invisible on the map. Not sure if you can do anything against this.
So far that are my points. Still enjoy the mod trough