[MOD 0.12.11+] EvoGUI (Evolution Factor Indicator) v0.4.16

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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Evolution Factor Indicator

Post by Narc »

Yes, and I'd also like to take a crack at incorporating Resource Monitor, which is a whole other kettle of fish. The "Stats" series I could see doing as a set of counters independently incremented/decremented when the entity create/destroy events fire. That should be much quicker than counting them out of the current map.
ssilk wrote:It would be useful to be able to integrate more info like this (that examples are of course too much, but it shows one extreme aspect). I think to click on the button, a window with tabs opens and each tab is a "submod", that creates own info. :)

See also the Thunder-GUI: https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... =87&t=8939

That goes into the direction I would like....
Yes, I did wonder whether I should grow EvoGUI in that direction or not (since, after all, it's already technically done over there). Ultimately, I'm more likely to keep all the parts in one mod, but that doesn't preclude making separate windows for separate subsets of the data.

On that note, there are probably other interesting counters and live statistics being kept by the game already that might be interesting to incorporate. I've got quite enough on my plate right now without needing to borrow trouble, though. For the moment, at least.

P.S.: As far as I'm concerned, the mod was done when it was able to display just biter evolution and play time -- at this point, extensions are being made purely due to their level of interestingness. So far, so good!
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Evolution Factor Indicator

Post by Narc »

Awright, folks, v0.3.0 is here with a settings GUI and a somewhat prettier (and smaller) look.


Turns out that animations and the rotating display both run into the same problem: you can't measure a GUI element (at all!). This makes it understandably hard to do something like making sure the GUI width is sufficient to show all the lines without wrapping or cutting them off.

I'll live with it, though, because now you can choose what should be always visible and what should show only when expanded -- and if you say nothing should be always visible, the entire width is no more than required to hold those two little buttons at the left edge of the picture. It can be really tiny!

I look forward to your feedback as to whether this achieves the spirit, if not the letter, of what was requested. Personally, I think it comes pretty close.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Evolution Factor Indicator

Post by Narc »


Version 0.3.1 is here with a couple of new sensors:

The player list, telling you about everyone who's around (and where they are), and;

The personal pollution sensor, giving you a numeric reading of the amount of pollution where you're standing.

Both of these are off by default -- if you actually want them, you'll want to click the little "S" button and enable them either for the always visible list, or for only the expanded view.

When updating this mod (and this actually goes for older version, too), you'll probably see a little flicker on first loading a save game with a previous version installed. If you get any issues beyond that, let me know.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Evolution Factor Indicator

Post by Peter34 »

Very nice!
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Evolution Factor Indicator

Post by jeroon »

Narc wrote:The player list, telling you about everyone who's around (and where they are), and;
When MP first came out, I made a small mod that did just this, and I had arrows pointing to the other players positions. Might be nice to include this in your (very usefull) mod as well?
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Evolution Factor Indicator

Post by Narc »

jeroon wrote:
Narc wrote:The player list, telling you about everyone who's around (and where they are), and;
When MP first came out, I made a small mod that did just this, and I had arrows pointing to the other players positions. Might be nice to include this in your (very usefull) mod as well?
Arrows like the ones used to highlight objects in the campaign? (Incidentally, do those work for off-screen objects? That might be cool.)
I'm not sure it fits the theme, but I could look into it. Maybe with a button to turn locators on/off, because I imagine they could get distracting sometimes.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Evolution Factor Indicator

Post by jeroon »

no, I used a much smaller arrows (mainly because I was too lazy to make decent ones ;) ), but I used just the < > v ^ characters right next to the players' name.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Evolution Factor Indicator

Post by Narc »

jeroon wrote:no, I used a much smaller arrows (mainly because I was too lazy to make decent ones ;) ), but I used just the < > v ^ characters right next to the players' name.
Oh, I follow now! That sounds nice and easy to do.

I'm also still kind of liking the idea of locator arrows. I may have to look into that, as a later extension.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Evolution Factor Indicator

Post by DaCyclops »

Is it possible to add an option for showing Pollution Effects (what biters start spawning and when) are active? or maybe a flashing(color changing) "alert" when you reach the point that certain effects kick in?
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Evolution Factor Indicator

Post by Narc »

Hey, all, I've got a bug fix release up -- the new version is v0.3.2. I finally tracked down a bug I'd only seen sporadically with the player list, which was causing some ugly console spam. Once it actually _happened_, it was a fairly easy fix.

DaCyclops wrote:Is it possible to add an option for showing Pollution Effects (what biters start spawning and when) are active? or maybe a flashing(color changing) "alert" when you reach the point that certain effects kick in?
I think yes, if I understand your request correctly: you'd like to see something like "Evolution factor: 34% (Small biter, Small spitter, Medium biter)"? That could get a little long, so I'll probably make that a separate line in the GUI (likely a separate sensor so it can be turned off).

For the second part (alert when threshold passed), I have a more generic version of it planned that could maybe be applied to any sensor. I still need to think about it, and it's not a huge priority yet, but it's definitely something I'd like to have.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Evolution Factor Indicator

Post by Narc »

Hooray for rapid iteration, and with apologies to the 14 downloads of v0.3.2, we have v0.3.3 now which should really fix the desync issues caused by me being a dummy with the player locations sensor.

I also ended up adding a remote interface with a single entry point (so far):

Code: Select all

/c remote.call("EvoGUI", "rebuild", game.local_player.name)
This will rebuild the current player's EvoGUI completely, possibly unbreaking some oddities (which, in practice, probably only ever happen to me).

Thanks for your patience, everyone!
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Evolution Factor Indicator

Post by Peter34 »

DaCyclops wrote:Is it possible to add an option for showing Pollution Effects (what biters start spawning and when) are active? or maybe a flashing(color changing) "alert" when you reach the point that certain effects kick in?
I think the best implementation of that would be to add an additional line of info to the display, showing the Evolution Factor threshold for the next evolutionary step, and a very brief text string alluding to what that step is, e.g.:

0.15 SmSpit
0.3 MedBiter
0.4 MedSpit
0.55 LrgBiter
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Evolution Factor Indicator

Post by Narc »

Width tends to be less of a problem than height, I've found -- already the player list gets fairly annoyingly tall with just three players known to the world. I think, for cleanliness, we'll want both the "what can currently spawn?" and "what's the next threshold?" lines to be optional. They are clearly related to the evolution display, though, so they'll presumably go into a specialized settings UI (as in issue #13).

I'll have to dig a little deeper, but I think it's both feasible and relatively easy. I've collected the current requirements in issue #12.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Evolution Factor Indicator

Post by Peter34 »

Your mod already has the ability to show the location coords of each player, in MP games. Can you also get it to show the database number of each player? E.g. for the purpose of console commands? Doing so takes up only 4 extra characters (5 with 10+ players, granted) in the coords line, e.g. " (2)" for the player that internally in the game is designated as number 2. I mean, it's just that kind of information that's handy sometimes but which I don't know how to get out of the game.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Evolution Factor Indicator

Post by Narc »

Peter34 wrote:Your mod already has the ability to show the location coords of each player, in MP games. Can you also get it to show the database number of each player? E.g. for the purpose of console commands?
Sure, that's perfectly simple. I think I'd like to shove it in with the per-sensor configuration, so you could also turn it off (as well as the coordinates and/or surface) if you weren't interested.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Evolution Factor Indicator

Post by Peter34 »

Narc wrote:
Peter34 wrote:Your mod already has the ability to show the location coords of each player, in MP games. Can you also get it to show the database number of each player? E.g. for the purpose of console commands?
Sure, that's perfectly simple. I think I'd like to shove it in with the per-sensor configuration, so you could also turn it off (as well as the coordinates and/or surface) if you weren't interested.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Evolution Factor Indicator

Post by Narc »

jeroon wrote:no, I used a much smaller arrows (mainly because I was too lazy to make decent ones ;) ), but I used just the < > v ^ characters right next to the players' name.
Peter34 wrote:Your mod already has the ability to show the location coords of each player, in MP games. Can you also get it to show the database number of each player? E.g. for the purpose of console commands? Doing so takes up only 4 extra characters (5 with 10+ players, granted) in the coords line, e.g. " (2)" for the player that internally in the game is designated as number 2. I mean, it's just that kind of information that's handy sometimes but which I don't know how to get out of the game.
If you'd be okay trying a beta version, EvoGUI v0.3.4 currently does both of these. I'm not releasing yet because I still haven't gotten in the configurability so you can turn those extra bits on or off.

Feedback would be welcome.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Evolution Factor Indicator

Post by Vin »

I seem to have found a small issue that's not really a bug, but something that might be worth looking at.

I unzipped a fresh install of the game to test out a specific mod set that included EvoGUI. When I tried to show player locations, it spammed a message that it was trying to use a nil value. After a few moments I realized it was due to not having a multiplayer name defined.

I'm not sure how you want to handle the situation within the mod itself (if at all), but there should at least be some sort of documentation for what's happening and how to solve it.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Evolution Factor Indicator

Post by Narc »

Vin wrote:I seem to have found a small issue that's not really a bug, but something that might be worth looking at.
I'm tentatively marking it as a bug anyway -- the unusual situation should be handled somehow.

I'm actually surprised EvoGUI didn't complain sooner -- the settings are stored by player name, and it's not expected that it would be empty at any point. I suppose I need to start working by player index instead, at which point this may stop being any kind of issue at all. Sorry, I just didn't think anyone would leave their player name unset.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.x] Evolution Factor Indicator

Post by orzelek »

Player index might not work well for you.
If I understand correctly it's game dependent - so different person connecting to same multiplayer game could get settings of someone else that was in same slot earlier.

It's a bit of a guess - I'm not sure if that's exactly how player index works.
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