All spoilage and seeds disappearing on Gleba

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Burner Inserter
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All spoilage and seeds disappearing on Gleba

Post by neinstein »

I'm not sure what happened to induce this, but after hours of my Gleba base being idle with spoilage filling everything due to missing energy (as far as I can tell from remote view), I gathered all my courage and return to fix this mess.

On arrival, suddenly all belts are clear from spoilage. Steel, iron, chips and similar are still there. Well, I would be happy, but now my plan to turn spoilage to charcoal is thwarted.
No mods. Loading a save 10h earlier and returning then has the same effect: on drop on Gleba, all spoilage is gone.

What is going on? Has spoilage a spoil timer turning it to nothing?
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Re: All spoilage and seeds disappearing on Gleba

Post by robot256 »

Can you please post the version number and share the affected save file before landing on the planet? 3638
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Re: All spoilage and seeds disappearing on Gleba

Post by neinstein »

Thanks for the link.

Ok, seems like a false alarm, or at least I cannot reproduce it myself when I was looking for a suitable save file. I guess I left Gleba for so long, that the spoilage to nutrients processing, which reduces spoilage 10:1, managed to clean all the belts with energy by a handful of solar panels.

Cannot reproduce, please close.
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