Train wagons carrying one item button

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Re: QoL: Set filters in wagons with holding item and dragging

Post by BlueTemplar »

Not going to help if you bring the wrong train in the station...
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Re: QoL: Set filters in wagons with holding item and dragging

Post by ssilk »

Do it right? Automate trains? Well don’t misunderstand me, but adding such game mechanics (add a feature, that is rarely used and could be achieved with two clicks and a bit drawing) to prevent the player from mistakes, I don’t know if that’s the “right way”, the right way for me is to setup things correctly and if I have made a mistake i try to change it so, that i could not repeat that.
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Re: QoL: Set filters in wagons with holding item and dragging

Post by BlueTemplar »

My trains *are* automated.
But I'm using the new "commandeer a train" feature a lot, and sometimes I end up at a mismatched station...

Actually, filter inserters would totally work on unload too, and I can afford the extra expense - not sure why I thought that they wouldn't work on unload ?

Still, this would be a "nice to have, low priority" feature, both in wagons and in main inventory...
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Re: QoL: Set filters in wagons with holding item and dragging

Post by Rseding91 »

This is something that I wanted to add back when adding the "copy paste filter" feature but the technical limitations of the GUI system make it incredibly hard.

The basic issue is: widgets do not support dragging starting on one widget and then dragging over others. It treats everything outside of the widget the mouse started on as "invalid, ignore it".
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Re: QoL: Set filters in wagons with holding item and dragging

Post by Cadde »

Even a small button saying "set filters to currently occupied" would be swell to be honest, until the GUI can handle such "advanced" operations. ;)

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Re: QoL: Set filters in wagons with holding item and dragging

Post by 5thHorseman »

Maybe some outside-the-box thinking, right click "picks up" the request and then you can right click another box (or the same box) to "place" it there.

Then middle-click could be for deleting it, like filter slots already do.

This would go well with a suggestion I just made:

Right-Click again to undo clearing a Logistic Slot

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Allow filters to be click-and-drag in trains and spidertrons

Post by kenmras »

I allow players to shift+left click and drag a filter around a filterable container to match the rest of the game and to reduce the number of clicks.
What ?
Just like in the rest of the game allow us to drag a Shift+Rclick , Shift+Lclick throught he boxes of a filtered storage chest
I've recorded a short video to demonstrate. ... .mkv?dl=0
Why ?
I think this is needed for the following reasons.
  • It makes sense. so much of factorio is seamlessly intuitive
  • It makes life just a little bit easier and reduces the number of clicks needed to achieve the same thing
  • It is nice to organize spidertrons and other filtered storage to know if it's got the expected delivery from the robots
  • It would allow for "safer" use of trains with just a few clicks. normally it's not worth it to click 40 times but a click drag may be to prevent this:
Image Credit to u/BubbaBlue59 on Reddit

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Re: Allow filters to be click-and-drag in trains and spidertrons

Post by ickputzdirwech »

Hey, this is the same suggestion as 51221.
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Re: Drag to select multiple storage filters

Post by Koub »

[Koub] Nice catch, thanks. Merged into older thread with same suggestion.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.

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Drag filtered slots on wagons/vehicles.

Post by pirusama »

As it stands, you have to click them one by one to fill out several inventory slots.

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Re: Drag filtered slots on wagons/vehicles.

Post by ssilk »

So what do you await, if you drag them? I can guess, but I don’t want to.

Please look into the suggestion template to see about what to know from a suggestion. viewtopic.php?f=6&t=47316

Have also a look into the two pages of suggestions around wagon slots, if there is a similar one.
search.php?keywords=Wagon+slot*+filter& ... mit=Search
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Re: Drag to select multiple storage filters

Post by ickputzdirwech »

[ick] Merged seven (!) topics about drag copying inventory filters.
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Allow drag-paste in inventories

Post by Dimava »

Make dragging over inventory cells with ctrl-RMB fill the filters

What ?
Make dragging over inventory cells while holding Shift+LMB or holding item with MMB click the cells you are dragging over

Why ?
Clicking each cell in a wagon to filter it out is hard.
Clicking each cell in 10 wagons in very hard. (for different items)
Clicking each cell in 100 wagons in outright impossible. (for modded items)


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Re: Train wagons carrying one item button

Post by Koub »

[Koub] Merged several topics with the same suggestion.
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Re: Paste filter into multiple cells

Post by Hares »

Rseding91 wrote:
Sat Feb 18, 2017 3:19 am
It has been on my to-do for quite a while now (over a year) but it will require non-trivial core changes to how inventory slot interaction works.

I might get around to it some day but it's a very low priority.
Can't wait to see you in FFF!
Played Freight Forwarding recently, and it almost requires to have 2 different items per each wagon (empty and filled containers), and adding filters for an item you don't currently have is extremely painful. I recently filled 100 spaces on a cargo ship, and it hurt me.

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