You spelled my name wrong! :0RocketManChronicles wrote: Fri Aug 02, 2019 11:09 pm @obingabout:
With the release of 0.17.60, do your mods maintain the Basic Oil Processing of old, or should we wait for a future release countering it? Or are you tailoring to it, and it will take time to update all mods?
Anyway... I'm still considering exactly what the changes should be. my current thoughts is a bit of both. Revert some things (actually not much) and work around it in others.
For example... I add "Crude oil processing" to advanced oil processing research, just drop that down to basic oil processing technology, and account for the moved fuel block recipes, and now everything is already "Fixed". it's just working out the balance.
but that's just one possible approach, I'm looking at the big picture before I change anything.