This mod adds colors tiering for Bob's machines to make it easily see to which is better. Also adds some improves some machines to HR quality. Side effect of coloring now more new and less rusty. AAt the moment works only with HR quality in graphic settings (this will change in future). Also i dont support icons at now because i using modified version ShinyBobIcons(personal use)
My mod includes/add color tiering to:
+All steam engines
+All boilers
+All steam turbines
+All heat exchangers
+All electric poles
+All electric substation
+All miners
+All pumpjacks
+All charge pads
+All logistic expansion towers
+All roboports
+All solar panels
+All accumulators
+All oil refineries
+All beacons (now in HR quality)
+All furnaces
+All labs
+All assembling machines
+All electrolyser (now in HR quality)
+All chemical plants
+All radars
+All artilery turrets
+All mines (now in HR quality)
I really want to hear what you thing about my project, I will gladly accept positive or negative but constructive respond, also respond about bugs and help how with data.raw edit tint