yeahDeadlock989 wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2019 12:51 am - A chromed winged Racing Monowheel, faster than any other vehicle that isn't a choo choo.

I now have a reason to prop up my chromage....
Currently fighting biters more..... but still

yeahDeadlock989 wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2019 12:51 am - A chromed winged Racing Monowheel, faster than any other vehicle that isn't a choo choo.
So I am.Bilka wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2019 7:10 am Care to explain why this instead of the exact opposite? I was hoping for nearby scanning (and also recall asking for that) :/
No, I don't.
As you don't allow PM anymore I have to ask here:Deadlock989 wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2019 10:20 am I'll do it some time after the next Factorio stable release. Will be spending my free time this weekend doing some baking and playing other games.
That sounds fine.ukezi wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 12:49 pm I will not redistribute any asserts of yours, maximally reference them from your mod. Also I would use some of your materials and categories for recipes. Is that OK with you?
Absolutely understandable. And beside the carbony stuff, all the icons I saw so far fit in perfectly and it feels and looks right in combination with the new gui.Deadlock989 wrote: Tue Nov 05, 2019 3:57 pm
It's not so much that, more that we are part-way through a series of cosmetic updates and I would prefer to fix it all in one go when we know what's what. I am looking forward to the player/crafting GUI update because I think most of the IR icons will really shine on it, based on what the non-carbon ones look like in the new tooltips.
You can now.fishycat wrote: Mon Nov 11, 2019 9:57 am Another thing I forgot to mention since a while, also cosmetic, the alt-info on turrets when facing south are a little too far up, not sure if you can set them a little lower.
You fuel it with batteries, it turns charged batteries into uncharged. Iirc normal batteries are like coal and high cap batteries are like solid fuel. No option for anything faster. Hopefully the tooltip update makes it possible to expose that better - even for normal fuel trains I've always been annoyed that the train itself doesn't tell you what the differences in fuels are.mrvn wrote: Mon Nov 11, 2019 11:38 am 2) How does the electrical locomotive compare to the steam locomotive? Acceleration, wind resistance, weight, breaking force? The tooltip doesn't say. How does the comparison change with rocket or nuclear fuel? Is the electrical locomotive performing better or just have a better fuel source?
Yes. Same thing for charging batteries.ImShero wrote: Mon Nov 11, 2019 3:25 pm Question about advanced cracking. How does the platinum consumption work. It says it returns 99% platinum. Does that mean there is a 1% consumption chance on any advanced cracking operation?
@Deadlock989: Sorry for the noise! I've cleaned up a bit on my end, and the game starts again. (I don't see, though, why the bug only occurred if IR was installed together with the language pack -- even if the default locale was used.)Stargateur wrote: Mon Nov 11, 2019 7:44 pm Error on startup with hardened pipe:
- Hardened pipes 0.17.2
- Industrial Revolution 1.0.6
- Industrial Revolution: Language Pack 1.0.8
- base 0.17.74
Error at loading: `Error while loading recipe prototype "ion-probe" (recipe): Difficulty normal: Value must be a string in property tree ` [Full log](
Probably because loading order is actually arbitrary. A-Z is a good "guess", but loading order can be any order, depending on what collection of mods are installed. If you had some variable with completely global scope called "item" initialised by your mod, it would only trigger the error from the typo in IR if your mod loaded before IR. The language pack could have triggered that load order. Don't ask me how it works, I don't know, but I've seen similar issues occur, where Alien Biomes would load either before or after IR because of the presence or not of some completely unrelated third party QOL mod with a name in the second half of the alphabet.Pi-C wrote: Tue Nov 12, 2019 10:12 am @Deadlock989: Sorry for the noise! I've cleaned up a bit on my end, and the game starts again. (I don't see, though, why the bug only occurred if IR was installed together with the language pack -- even if the default locale was used.)
Thanks for the explanation! I actually did use "item" variable with global scope (fixed now), and my mod was loaded before IR.Deadlock989 wrote: Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:23 pmProbably because loading order is actually arbitrary. A-Z is a good "guess", but loading order can be any order, depending on what collection of mods are installed. If you had some variable with completely global scope called "item" initialised by your mod, it would only trigger the error from the typo in IR if your mod loaded before IR. The language pack could have triggered that load order. Don't ask me how it works, I don't know, but I've seen similar issues occur, where Alien Biomes would load either before or after IR because of the presence or not of some completely unrelated third party QOL mod with a name in the second half of the alphabet.Pi-C wrote: Tue Nov 12, 2019 10:12 am @Deadlock989: Sorry for the noise! I've cleaned up a bit on my end, and the game starts again. (I don't see, though, why the bug only occurred if IR was installed together with the language pack -- even if the default locale was used.)
Great!I will fix the typos later.
Don't worry about that, the disassembly system was changed to a scarping system, so that's why all those recipes changed.enchant wrote: Wed Nov 13, 2019 11:30 am I tried IR back when it first came out. After playing a couple non-IR games, I'd like to continue with my original IR save. I've disabled the conflicting mods (bobs, squeak-thru, etc.) and re-enabled IR. However, when I load my game back in, I get a lot of failures that generally point to a missing mod, conflicting mod or missing library. Is there some way to debug this that I'm unaware of? Thanks.
That means electrical trains will be inferior to normal trains by a lot once you get rocket fuel / nuclear fuel. But in between driving trains on solar alone is a bonus. There should be a nuclear battery that you can reprocess instead of charge or electric trains could simply accept nuclear fuel cells and return spend fuel cells. The difference between 120% acceleration and 200% is just too big to keep electric trains otherwise.Cribbit wrote: Mon Nov 11, 2019 6:07 pmYou fuel it with batteries, it turns charged batteries into uncharged. Iirc normal batteries are like coal and high cap batteries are like solid fuel. No option for anything faster. Hopefully the tooltip update makes it possible to expose that better - even for normal fuel trains I've always been annoyed that the train itself doesn't tell you what the differences in fuels are.mrvn wrote: Mon Nov 11, 2019 11:38 am 2) How does the electrical locomotive compare to the steam locomotive? Acceleration, wind resistance, weight, breaking force? The tooltip doesn't say. How does the comparison change with rocket or nuclear fuel? Is the electrical locomotive performing better or just have a better fuel source?