No. - It would not be clear which way they bind so they would basically turn into bidirectional signals everywhere. - They could be placed on a position where a metal of overlapping rail is making trains able to ride over a signal which would be ugly. I think it should be possible to change rail si...
TL:DR -> Change where You place Train Signals, instead of placing them OUTSIDE rails, make them INSIDE rails... so we can place Signals anywhere we need to... s1.png Current train signals are annoying AF... srsl... I can't build small and compact Railway network because of those stu*$ f&$*... It...
At this moment my world cost me 5 GB of RAM, i want to lower that number thats why i use Concrete and ClearConcrete Mod to delete Decorations from ground ( i just fill everything with stone bricks xDDDDDDD ) but this is working... my Save is using less RAM and save is smaller ( so far i reduced size...
Im just expanding my Factory ;3 Ofc. i just need to replace one Iron Smelter with Copper Smelter ( just replace Smart Inserters Filter ) and connect Iron and Copper to Batteries xD but i was working on it for 5 hours today... and i runned first tests once i connect Iron and Copper everything will ru...
Even minecraft have option to click Links sm1 paste to Chat... Why Factorio don't have it?... TL:DR: - Add option for Factorio to detect links etc. and let players click them... - Add option to Select / Copy text from Chat ?... Why: Because ppl share YouTube channels, Discord Inv. Links, Twitch Link...
How trains find best path?... I mean... if Train in about to enter crossroad how he calculate which exit to use? - is is amount of chain signals to exit? so if for example Train have 2 ways one with 5 signals and other one with 7 signals train will pick that one with 5 signals?... is that correct?.....
Because no grass? Pollution can spread only if its above 15.0 but non of those chunks have 15.0+ pollution value and because u have 0 grass on this chunk u can't remove pollution... first number -> Pollution value second number -> Pollution that is gone every minute //Edit: ohh i didnt see Silari an...
Or this one Both are too big :x... don't fit in that little gap between unload station and rails... First at all - the balancer looks absolutely fine to me. To make it more compact, you could move the splitter at the right directly behind the corner, and use an underground belt to connect it to mid...
I'm just trying to make Balancer 4-4 for this: s2.png But my best design is that: s1.png Last "Best" design i made seems to work fine, but its Huge AF :/... i simply tested that balancer by using CreativeMode and Void Chest and removing input and by looking at output xD Here is "TEST&...
Ohh yeee sry... my bad Coal is 50 in Stack xD since Iron and Copper are 100 in stack i was thinking that coal is 100 too :D my bad :x... Hmm... 167 Km - Train Weight / Nuclear Fuel so it gives around 600 Km... im using 2-6 Train for that thing... but i think Nuclear should be safe... no need to buil...
Maybe ? OHH THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED ;OOOO Thank You <333333333333333333333333333333333333 //Edit: I was right xD 0.14 hehe :D Its probably same mod i was using years ago in 0.14 xD but as i said i forgot name... 1.1.0 - 2016/08/27 - 0.14 re...
@DarkShadow44 as i said, i was looking for similar mod i was using years ago Craftable Explosives that generate new Ores in place where you detonate them :x... in my opinion it was Fair and best way to generate Water... but i can't find that mod anymore... i think it was something around 0.14 and i ...
I think only last mod -> is OK and im gonna download it... This mod could be ok -> But author said nothing about Water Cost... as i said i don't want any Cheating ways... i was expeting somethiling like i was usi...
I think this dont need description... title says everything... we need it for example to reload stuff from one train to other train... Yes i know that i can use Cars and regular inserters... but using Cars is... not rly... cool looking solution... So i'm using Long Hand Inserters but they slow AF......
i alt tab a lot and watch YouTube while waiting Buy a second monitor? My best investment lately. I do have Second monitor... i can even use Second computer... but second monitor i use only when i work... and its... in weird angle to me so i dont want to play Factorio or watch YT or move window betw...