[2.0.13] Building preview and placement do not match (disagree/vertical/cursor/offset)

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[2.0.13] Building preview and placement do not match (disagree/vertical/cursor/offset)

Post by Vladi »

There is a visual bug for buildings with 2 or 4 tiles height as they are placed 1 tile lower than in the preview.
This visual bug occurs when the mouse position is on the edge between the transition from the original preview position to the position 1 tile below with the preview at the original position.
I also tried other directions, but could only reproduce the southern transition.
Factorio - 2024-10-31 20-07-52.mp4
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Factorio - 2024-10-31 19-09-17.mp4
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Re: [2.0.13] Building preview and placement do not match

Post by Loewchen »

I cannot reproduce this in 2.0.14, can you? If yes, post the log please, see 3638.
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Re: [2.0.13] Building preview and placement do not match

Post by Vladi »

reproduced in 2.0.14
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Factorio - 2024-11-02 13-50-15.mp4
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[2.0.21]building is placed out of alignment with the cursor

Post by chiry_jp »

When placing a building, I clicked at the top and bottom borders of the tiles.
Then it was placed one tile below where it should have been placed.
This may or may not happen.
As far as I have tried, it only occurred in windowed mode and not in full screen mode.
This is the video.(it is Japanese)

I look forward to hearing from you.

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Re: [2.0.21] Building preview and placement do not match (disagree/vertical/cursor/offset)

Post by Silari »

Got the same issue myself just now when testing Modular Buildings Redux, had started writing up a report before I tried a different search and found this thread. In my case I was trying to build next to an existing structure, so I got an error message rather than a misplaced building. So I'll just go ahead and merge my post with this one.

What did you do?
Tried to place a steam engine where the game indicated one was buildable, above another steam engine.
What happened?
The game popped up the error message that the steam engine was in the way.
What did you expect to happen?
For the steam engine to be built, as it was not shown to be colliding with anything, and should not be colliding with anything as the placement clearly indicates it to be above the other steam engine.
Once, always, or sometimes?
Not often, but it is repeatable - it seems to need pixel perfect precision, which I got by turning my mouse sensitivity down. Confirmed with steam engines, steam turbines, substations, and express splitters. I was able to reproduce it when building on the right side of an existing steam turbine, but not below or to the left.

With an express belt, it gets weirder as when the mouse is pressed, the building preview suddenly jumps down one tile onto the already placed belt. If you hold the mouse button down, it stays in the lower square, and moves back up when released. This did not happen with the larger entities. At least once when testing the belt was built to the left of the square that was indicated.

Could not reproduce with steel chests.
11-28-2024, 20-59-04.png
11-28-2024, 20-59-04.png (5.02 MiB) Viewed 1174 times
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Re: [2.0.13] Building preview and placement do not match (disagree/vertical/cursor/offset)

Post by Atraxi »

One more report. I first noticed this back at the Prague Space Age early access LAN but it's so subtle that I was never sure if it was just my perception or different hardware and mouse sensitivity that I wasn't used to. It seems to be exactly precise to the lowest pixel of the entity overview, and while trying to record this video I also had 5min of instances of not being able to reproduce it, which makes me think it's an off-by-one or maybe floating point position to integer screen position rounding issue or something similarly hard to track down.

Like others have mentioned I play in maximized window mode which seem to an interesting trend. I might try force myself to play in other view modes to see if I still notice it
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Factorio_ Space Age 2.0.34 2025-02-20 11-17-30.mp4
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Re: [2.0.13] Building preview and placement do not match (disagree/vertical/cursor/offset)

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report(s). I was able to reproduce this, but only at specific odd resolutions (1920x1080 it always worked fine). It's now fixed for the next release.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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