[2.0.11] Decider combinator condition becomes green when the condition isn't met

Things that has been reported already before.
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[2.0.11] Decider combinator condition becomes green when the condition isn't met

Post by ElderAxe »

weird logic.gif
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This logic doesn't work correctly. third option should be green when 1 signal equals zero. But it works on opposite case. It works when 1 is NOT zero.

This is the combinator:
10-28-2024, 22-55-36.png
10-28-2024, 22-55-36.png (449.45 KiB) Viewed 1019 times
This is the blueprint for test:
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Re: [2.0.11] Decider combinator condition becomes green when the condition isn't met

Post by robot256 »

Replicated on 2.0.21, but probably not a bug. This is the result of the time delay present in the drawing of the condition highlight effect, which seems to update after the signal is stable for one second. They are updated at a slower rate than the signals themselves to avoid unnecessary flashing. When I told the train (using legendary nuclear fuel) to stop and wait for a while rather than go in a continuous circuit, the '1' signal became 0 and became correctly highlighted. It just so happened that the train running continuously made a loop every two seconds, so it looked like it was always opposite of what it should be when actually it was phase-lagging.
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Re: [2.0.11] Decider combinator condition becomes green when the condition isn't met

Post by ElderAxe »

I have some crazy combinators which changes conditions a lot faster than this and never had this issue with them. If they can correctly update their status, this combinator should as well. It has a lot more time to update between status changes.

I played with editor by pausing time. It shows the correct color based on the condition when you hover the signals on input section. (Which triggers refreshing the backgrounds to show the status for that specific signal)
Also when you close the combinator modal and open it again, then the coloring is correct until the next cycle.

But if you don't do anything it stays on the wrong color. Green for false, Default gray for true.
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Re: [2.0.11] Decider combinator condition becomes green when the condition isn't met

Post by robot256 »

The highlighting updates immediately if the output state of the condition changes. It appears to update after 1 second if the output does not change as a result (because other conditions are still not met).

It's important to be clear that it's not *opposite* the state it should be, it's *delayed* by the same length of time that the signal is changing in. Put coal in the locomotive and give it a longer track, and you will see what I mean.
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Re: [2.0.11] Decider combinator condition becomes green when the condition isn't met

Post by ElderAxe »

Yeah. You're right. The behavior makes sense with slower train. It's not a bug but an inconvenience.

Since it only needs to be updated when the player is watching this modal, I would expect to see the change sooner (hopefully at the same tick). It updates the input value shown on the condition. So it makes sense that the condition is checked and updated accordingly as well.
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Re: [2.0.11] Decider combinator condition becomes green when the condition isn't met

Post by Waity5 »

I found the same issue in 2.0.21, the combi is being blinked on for 1 tick every 100 ticks. Interacting with it in any way updates it
2024-11-25 16-13-38.mp4
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Re: [2.0.11] Decider combinator condition becomes green when the condition isn't met

Post by boskid »

Thanks for the report. This will be fixed in 2.0.42 (due to 120624).
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