get/set force and player modifiers + defines

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Smart Inserter
Smart Inserter
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get/set force and player modifiers + defines

Post by Honktown »

For discussion / observation:
1. some other modifiers, such as turrets, have an interface get/set function
2. Force and Character bonuses/modifiers are scattered in the API with no list in the api (Concepts#Modifier is a collection, kind of)

Breaking change if existing LuaForce / LuaPlayer RW values are removed

common interface for all modifiers (in one or two defines tables)
all modifiers together


Code: Select all

defines.force_modifiers = {
    ["manual_mining_speed_modifier"] = 1,
Ammo_damage, gun_speed, or turret_attack for force, are modifiers but not really the same as mining, running, etc modifiers. Could be included.
I have mods! I guess!
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