[1.1.30] Shotgun shoots in wrong direction

Things that has been reported already before.
Posts: 23
Joined: Mon Jun 27, 2016 7:57 pm

[1.1.30] Shotgun shoots in wrong direction

Post by kyle788 »

Hi Devs,

There seems to be a strange aiming bug when using the shotgun, especially when the mouse is near the player. Here you can see the mouse is to the left of my character and while the player's sprite is aiming left, the shotgun shells shoot straight up. If you adjust the aiming a bit you can even get it to shoot to the right a bit when it should be going left. It is like the player shooting position is calculated away out from the player.

Please see a screenshot demonstrating the bug here:

I tried searching the bug reports in case this bug was already reported and I did not see it. Please forgive me if I am wrong.

Kind regards,
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