QOL: When opening an interface with a single (or limited) text fields, select the text for meWhat ?
Examples:- Click an inserter, check "Override stack size", and stack size should be selected. So I can: click & type number & dismiss
- Open logistics inventory and click on an existing item and minimum count should be selected. So I can: click & type min & tab & type max & dismiss
- Click inserter with circuit wire and click the right-hand-side. Iff the value is already a number, then the constant value field should be selected.
- Edit blueprint and click the name edit button and name should be selected.
- (Here's a more controversial one): Open any text field and click on it and the text should be selected (instead of cursor in text)
Why ?
The majority of the time when opening one of these interfaces, the most likely thing I want to do is type a new number or name. Currently, when opening the interface and typing a number, it selects that item from the toolbar. I would argue that that behavior (selecting an item from the toolbar) is a very rare desire, and being able to immediately type a value into the text field is much more desirable.If I want to change a number, I most likely am willing to type a new number. Right now, if I want to change 100 to 200 I need to position the cursor and select the "1" and type a "2", and selecting the 1 is a very precise operation that requires hitting very small targets. Or I can click and drag the whole "100" (bigger target, but still small). Or I can click at the end and type backspace 3 times and type "200". I would prefer to be able to open the interface, type "200", and close the interface.