Detect when tabbing between textfields

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Detect when tabbing between textfields

Post by raiguard »

I am attempting to emulate the vanilla logistic request setter as closely as I can, but I have run into a snag: there is no way for me to tell when the player tabs between textfields. I can detect when they press enter, but that doesn't match what the vanilla setter does.

There are three ways I can think of to solve this: add a new event specifically for when a player tabs between textfields, allow custom-inputs tied to tab to function when tabbing between textfields, or make tabbing out of a textfield raise on_gui_confirmed. As it is, there is just no way to tell when it happens that I can find.

2021-01-26 00_48_16-KeyShowView.png
2021-01-26 00_48_16-KeyShowView.png (13 KiB) Viewed 644 times
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