How to "restart" or do something with mod GUI ? T_T...

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How to "restart" or do something with mod GUI ? T_T...

Post by PanTobi »

Hello !...

I just want to ask how i can... idk restart or recreate my Mods GUI...
Because i downloaded few new Mods like RPG System or Black Market 2 but on new Game Mod GUI looks much better than in old game

Here is how it look in new Game:
427520_20210120205636_1.png (161.04 KiB) Viewed 834 times
Enabled Creative Mod... forgot about it xD

Here is how it look in Old Save:
427520_20210120205659_1.png (190.8 KiB) Viewed 834 times

I think u will agree that "New" Gui looks much better than OLD

I know that i can start game and load my Old save WITHOUT MODS and then save it
and then load it with mods enabled... however this way i lose all progress with Mods...

like Research, notes and much more custom stuff...

so i want to make my GUI on Old save looking like in new game but without restarting my Mods Progress :c... plz help !...
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