Get number of visible quickbars

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Get number of visible quickbars

Post by PFQNiet »

This might be a bit of an XY-problem so here's what I'm "actually" trying to do:

I want to place a GUI element just above the player's hotbars. Basically, as far down as possible without overlapping them.

My idea is to get the number of quickbars, multiply by the height of a quickbar, and use that as a vertical offset. But if there's a better way, by all means let me know!

EDIT: Just noticed I posted this in the main modding forum instead of Modding Help, oops!
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Re: Get number of visible quickbars

Post by ickputzdirwech »

@Moderators you mind moving this to modding interface requests? I don’t want to admit how much it bugs me that this topic ended up in the middle of nowhere. :D
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