Allow up and down arrows to be captured by custom-inputs when in a single-line textfield

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Allow up and down arrows to be captured by custom-inputs when in a single-line textfield

Post by raiguard »

In a rewrite of one of my mods, I'm using an admittedly disgusting hack to detect an enter with any combo of modifier keys (ctrl, shift, alt). I'm using a to-be-invisible numeric textfield that is confirmed to detect enter, but is set to numeric to allow custom inputs to work. However, even though it's a single line textfield, and the up and down arrows do nothing, custom inputs using them are not satisfied. This disallows me from setting the up and down arrows as the default hotkeys for going up and down the list.

So, I would like to request that this be fixed. I'm filing this under interface requests instead of as a bug report because this is a side effect of intended behavior, and I'm asking for a change to that behavior.
2021-01-10 22_51_54-KeyShowView.png
2021-01-10 22_51_54-KeyShowView.png (35.4 KiB) Viewed 639 times
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