Storage Content counting.

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Storage Content counting.

Post by oosty »


Is it possible to transfer the count of a storage box to the logistic network so it can be compared to another storage box.
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Re: Storage Content counting.

Post by astroshak »

Yes, but you need to do some combinator work if they are the same items to avoid simply having the signals added together. What is the use case here though? That would help us in guiding you to what you want to accomplish.
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Re: Storage Content counting.

Post by ssilk »

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Re: Storage Content counting.

Post by Blade22 »

Hi there,

don't want to open an extra post on the topic, because my question on the topic fits in here:

I use a closed assembly line system on which I want to keep the flow of goods constant. There is also a counter that is connected to all grippers. Grippers that put something on the belt increase the total by +1, grippers that take over something decrease the total by -1. This works very well so far even if the wiring is incredibly fiddly.

The whole thing includes a storage system consisting of a storage box and two grippers per product. The gripper counts positive or negative when something is taken out of the box or put into it.

I would like to stop the production of the product in question when a certain stock level in the boxes is reached. Since the factories cannot be influenced directly with the logic network, there are still the grippers.

Now it does not seem to be possible for a certain gripper to work in two networks at the same time.
A gripper is either networked together in adding and storage boxes or together in the subtraction and storage box network.

It looks like this when a gripper takes an object from the belt, a piece is pulled and at the same time one is added, the total changes by -1, but the counter records -1 + 1 and thus the belt no longer shows the number Contains pieces that the adder has stored.

Is there a posible sulution?

Thx Blade
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Re: Storage Content counting.

Post by Zanthra »

oosty wrote: Thu Dec 31, 2020 1:38 am Hello,

Is it possible to transfer the count of a storage box to the logistic network so it can be compared to another storage box.
If you want to compare the number of items in one storage box to the number in another storage box, wire the first to an arithmatic combinator set to Each * -1 output Each, and wire the other to an arithmatic combinator with Each * 1 output Each (can be omitted if timing is not critical) then wire the outputs together which is equivalent to adding them together. Any item that is positive ( > 0) has more in the second box, and any item that is negative ( < 0 ) has more in the first box.
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