Module filter for research labs

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Module filter for research labs

Post by lovely_santa »

In angels there is some agriculture, I recently added an agricultural module, which is basically a high yielding productivity module without speed restrictions, accounting the low yield in the recipes without these modules. Since these modules are quite OP, they are of course limited to only a selection of recipes.

I now have a bug report where they can be use in the science labs as well... Could an optional field allow_in_lab be added such that they cannot be added to labs? Another solution would be to have an additional effect 'Research' such that it can be filtered out.
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Re: Module filter for research labs

Post by Deadlock989 »

We talked before about how module limitations are useless for both labs and drills because they are recipe-based, which means any module will always work in any lab and any drill because they don't use recipes.

I would have more use for a way of limiting modules to specific drills than specific labs, so if this is ever addressed, it would good if it addressed both labs and drills.
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