[1.1.1] Avanced materials processing have somewhat confusing descriptions.

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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[1.1.1] Avanced materials processing have somewhat confusing descriptions.

Post by Squeegy »

"Advanced Material Processing" and "Advanced Material Processing 2" have the same description:
Faster and more flexible furnaces
The problem with this is that steel furnaces are just faster, and electric furnaces are the same speed as steel. So Steel Furnaces aren't more flexible than stone furnances, and Electric Furnaces aren't faster than Steel furnaces. So both descriptions seem half wrong.

It really seems like "Advanced Material Processing" should maybe say something like "Faster furnaces, made with steel", indicating they smelt more quickly, but a steel production will be require to manufacture them.

And "Advanced Material Processing 2" should say something like "Large electric furnaces that don't require burnable fuel" indicating the benefit and the drawback of electric furnances.

This makes it much clearer why you would want to research these techs.
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