Very Large Solar Farm v2.0 - 5.7 GW

Power Plants, Energy Storage and Reliable Energy Supply. All about efficient energy production. Turning parts of your factory off. Reliable and self-repairing energy.
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Very Large Solar Farm v2.0 - 5.7 GW

Post by Hydra »

Thanks to the new blueprint features - particularly the grid size and allowing a blueprint to snap to a location, I reworked my large solar farm so that it is now tileable. I recommend only placing these blueprints while in map mode from high altitude. On the ground brings the game nearly to a halt - though there have been dramatic improvements in handling large blueprints with Factorio 1.0.0.
(Note to the Devs: a better method of selecting the absolute reference point would be helpful for very large blueprints).

The blueprint book is at: ... sp=sharing

The solar farm produces 5.7 GW of power, so you'll want a number of these placed for megabases.

Edit: The VERY first thing to do is run around the map in the space where you want to build and clear the map. Clear the black unknown parts of the map. If you don't do this, you can't actually place blueprints down to get anything done. I apologize for forgetting about this originally, I was reminded of it by a reddit person. Clearing the map like this is a crucial first step.
The way to build this is to place the foundation first (which is everything but solar panels and accumulators).
Follow that with initially building out the rails to the Solar Drop station - bring in construction bots, enable the stations (set the constant combinators by the train stops to 'on') and then setting up some trains to bring in supplies for building this out. After the foundation is built, place the main blueprint over it and the bots will then start building out the panels and accumulators.

The blueprint does have landfill for it too, so if you have some large lakes on your map you'll need to allow the bots to fill that in; then place the blueprint again to get it to set the entity ghosts down for the bots.

Here's an image of the solar farm blueprint:
Solar Farm 2.0 Image
Solar Farm 2.0 Image
SolarFarm-2.0-Image.PNG (2.34 MiB) Viewed 6929 times
Good luck! Feedback is appreciated, especially any improvements you make.
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