Strobe Lights

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Strobe Lights

Post by TheRangerLOL »

V14.23 so no blueprints.

So, I accidentally figured out how to make strobe lights while working on another project, and I thought I'd share it since a quick forum search netted no results on functioning non-mechanical strobe lights. I figured out how to make two different models of strobe, and Version 2 strobes way faster than Version 1. It might just be my rig, but at times Ver. 2 has the "helicopter" (doppler?) effect where it's strobing so fast that it doesn't seem like it's working right.

Strobe.png (156.03 KiB) Viewed 4093 times

First of all, set the lights to Anything > 0, and Use Colors, because colors.

Ver 1:
Decider: Input Color = 0, output same color = 1. Connect output to input of Arithmetic.
Arithmetic: Input Each + 0, output = Each.
Connect output of Arithmetic to input of Decider.
Lights can be connected anywhere on the circuit. There's a chance the strobe might alternate if connected to opposite ends of the circuit, but I really can't tell.

Ver 2: Input Color = 0, output Color = 1, and then enjoy your seizure.

Funnily enough, this is pretty similar to how they change Direct Current (DC) into Alternating Current (AC) in real life circuits.
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Re: Strobe Lights

Post by biggerw »

The lights are fast enough to see if there ist only a one tick signal.
I used it in order to see if the control of the christmas tree works correctly.
So your idea is helpful.
be patient if my english is not suitable it´s not my mother tongue.
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