[1.0.0][linux] Crash: FlowStatistics<ID<ItemPrototype,>,,>::Precision::onNextTick()

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[1.0.0][linux] Crash: FlowStatistics<ID<ItemPrototype,>,,>::Precision::onNextTick()

Post by o1wZQWQdFX7 »


I assume if you play longer periods you might experience them. I've noticed I can get a guaranteed crash after 2+ hours of having it open. When I first started (several days ago) I didn't get any issues, as I've played more I've gotten more crashes (unsure if it's related to that or the fact I've just played more so I've seen more crashes)
Crash doesn't seem obviously related from the logs, our game worlds are very different and mine's from multiplayer server.

I'll edit this with more crash logs since I don't have the other ones.
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Re: [1.0.0][linux] Crash: FlowStatistics<ID<ItemPrototype,>,,>::Precision::onNextTick()

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report; however with the random nature and the location it's crashing all I can think of is; it has to be some hardware/software issue on your end. Looking over the code I can't see how it would happen that it crashes the way it is for you.

Have you run any hardware tests? Or are you overclocking your CPU at all?

Additionally; have you been able to make a save file (say 1 hour and 55 minutes in) and then have it crash 5 minutes after loading that save reliably?
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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