[Oxyd] [1.0.0] Small biters don't attack chests obstructing their way

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[Oxyd] [1.0.0] Small biters don't attack chests obstructing their way

Post by blahfasel2000 »

If you load the attached save file you can see a bunch of small biters boxed in by chests (placed using the map editor). They all try to attack the right turret, but can't get there because of the chests. Therefore I would expect them to attack the chests like they attack other obstructing objects (for example walls), however that doesn't happen.

If you put a medium (or higher) biter inside the box using the map editor it does attack the chests as expected, so the bug seems to only affect small biters (because of their smaller hitbox?).
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Re: [Oxyd] [1.0.0] Small biters don't attack chests obstructing their way

Post by Oxyd »

Thanks, fixed in 1.1.0.
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