Inventory/ GUI not open up in the center of the screen

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Inventory/ GUI not open up in the center of the screen

Post by SirHannes »


being a beginner, I am forced to open and close the inventory all the time. The learning process for every newbie.
It would be a great help, if the Inventory/ the GUI is not popping up in the center always! I cannot see anymore whats behind.
The window could be opened always in the upper/lower left/right corner.
The center stays free providing me the information I need to get oriented in the game process.

Thank you very much.
When I ask for features or improvements, it's because I like this game and I think, others could like it too.
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Re: Inventory/ GUI not open up in the center of the screen

Post by Bilka »

Hey, what are you opening the inventory for? There might be another way to do that which is more convenient for you.
I'm an admin over at Feel free to contact me if there's anything wrong (or right) with it.
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Re: Inventory/ GUI not open up in the center of the screen

Post by jodokus31 »

The inventory window could open at the position, where it was the last time. Then I could move it, where I like it.
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