Support working_visualisation for burner_generator prototype?

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Support working_visualisation for burner_generator prototype?

Post by kirazy »

I have a modded burner generator that uses the same set of working_visualisation sprites as the Steel Furnace:

Base animation:
hr-burner-electric-generator-animated-final.gif (918.71 KiB) Viewed 520 times
Working light:
workling_light_animation_v4.gif (43.2 KiB) Viewed 520 times
And of course the furnace fire and glow.

I can fake this with an arrangement of frame_sequence and idle_animation, but I don't know how the "flicker" property works to be able to emulate that.

I was wondering if, instead, it would be possible to attach the working_visualisation definition to the burner_generator prototype? That would make this arrangement substantially easier.

Edit: Or, if not that, perhaps like with the Boiler's implementation with fire?

Mostly I just want to stick this on the generator and have it flicker like the Steel furnace flickers:
hr-burner-electric-generator-working-light.png (12.15 KiB) Viewed 517 times
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