What artwork is needed:
- Icon for 'Beaconed Assembler Block' is fundamentally what this is (except it's only 6 beacons instead of 12 because they are meant to be stacked next to each other)
- Icon for 'Beaconed Chemical Plant Block' which is the same thing as above, but with a chemical plant and pipework instead of an assembly building.
- Icon for 'ASIF Logistics Block' Literally just a red and blue chest, done because I needed to get the number of items in the recipe for the ASIF down. I'd have needed 7 items in the recipe (IE: must build by hand) if I didn't have this.
Icon size: 64 or 128, but I don't really have a preference. If you can do it in 32, go for it.
Bonus points:
For the ASIFs I was just going to overlay the icon of the thing being produced on top of the assembler 3 icon. Similar to how it looks in the current alt-view. If you have a better idea, then I'd need icons for: Green chips, Red Chips, Blue Chips, Low Density Structures, Engines, Speed 3 Modules, and Prod 3 Modules. I'm also considering a line of chemical plant based ASIFs that would do PG (so, Heavy/light oil in, PG out), and another for plastic bars (PG + coal in, plastic bars out).
Fun note: Good luck with the Prod/Speed 3 module ASIFs. They only allow 10-100:1 compression, because even at 10:1 you need to feed it 1120 copper plate per second and 810 iron plate per second. A normal stack inserter can only move ~27.5 items/sec. Good luck! :p