Readd extra_padding_when_activated, with same functionality as margin/padding

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Long Handed Inserter
Long Handed Inserter
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Readd extra_padding_when_activated, with same functionality as margin/padding

Post by asdff45 »

In version 9.18.13, the option `LuaStyle::extra_padding_when_activated` got removed. It would be great, if this gets readded, with the same functionality as LuaStyle::margin/LuaStyle::padding.

Code: Select all

padding :: int or array of int [Write-only]

Sets top/right/bottom/left paddings to this value. An array with two values sets top/bottom padding to the first value and left/right padding to the second value. An array with four values sets top, right, bottom, left padding respectively. 
This also can be added for `LuaStyle::extra_margin_when_activated`
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