Just a suggestion regarding linux security. (not that I am telling you anything new)
I understand that at this time, the game is expected to be installed in the users home directory and should multiple users of a single linux system wish to play the game, each would have to install it.
However, generally, we want to install a piece of software in one place and then have user specific data stored somewhere separate.
GIven linux is generally multi user, having the saves in one location is probably not useful.
How about saving games in $HOME or maybe $HOME/.local/share/factorio.
Also, have a search path for mods, starting in $HOME somewhere, then to the game installation directory.
Allow mod updates to mods in the $HOME tree, but not in the game install directory, unless the game has been run as a user with write access to the game installation directory. (maybe a special factorio user owns the install directory but generally you can expect it to be owned by root).
I guess it's up to you if you allow different versions of mods in $HOME than in the base install, but I would probably say "if it's in install directory, you can't update nor download the same mod into your home directory" or maybe "Mods in $HOME override whatever is in the base install"
Anyway, having a great time playing the game. A couple of small things I would like to see
1. Mouse click movement, in addition to keyboard
2. When a conveyor belt is demolished, auto-pickup the items that where on the belt, just like items inside boxes are auto-picked up
3. It would be really nice if there was a status message in factory buildings which gives reasons why it's not building items ("Insufficient Widgets", "No room to place product", etc)
4. A full component tree for an item. Building an advanced item requires lots of precursor components, for beginners like me, it takes a while to figure out what the requisite components are. Building an Inserter, for example.
5. It would be nice if we could climb over pipes, rather than having to use underground for frequently travelled paths. More than once I have 'locked my self in' with pipes