Screenshot every other tick

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Manual Inserter
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Screenshot every other tick

Post by Basic »

I'm trying to generate a video of a factory that's larger than the max render area. I'd like to capture 30-60 seconds.

It occurs to me that if I can trigger a "capture screenshot" every other tick, I could then stitch them back together at 30 FPS. (Or worst case, every tick and then either discard half or generate a 60FPS vid).

I don't care about wall-clock time for the capture so long as I can get a consistently-spaced set of frames to stitch back together. (Although I'd gladly accept a better approach)

Is there a way I can achieve this from the console? Or do I need to get more advanced?
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Smart Inserter
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Re: Screenshot every other tick

Post by DaveMcW »

Code: Select all

/c script.on_nth_tick(2, function()
    position = {0, 0},
    resolution = {1920, 1280},
    zoom = 1,
    daytime = 0,
    show_entity_info = true,
    path = "movie/" .. game.tick .. ".png",
Note that the screenshot compression is quite slow and will drop frames if it can't keep up, so you might have to slow the game down to get a smooth video. If you have a lot of hard drive space, you could save as .bmp which doesn't use compression.
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