Row 14 for both gun-turret-shooting-4.png and hr-gun-turret-shooting-4.png has the same sprite in both column 1 and 2. The barrel should rotate forward in column 2 from where it is in column 1.
Compare row 2 in this image with the other rows:
I know, I know. Minorest of minor.
Edit: I even found the right angle. Ignore the purple.
I'm puzzled and weirdly amused! Wow, that's some serious mystery right there. The two shooting frames are rendered out of Blender and then alternated between by a simple expression in After Effects. However, why does the +1 %2 break exactly on frame 123, is beyond me.
The two columns aren't actually identical, in one of them both animations are on top of each other which should never happen - and the one on top happens to be the first shooting frame.
Anyway, fixed by overriding the expression, but WTF.