Title: Alternate Recipes
Short Description: Provides alternate recipes for vanilla items, usually with various trade offs.
Author: Silari
Downloads: On the mod portal
Alternate Recipes gives you an alternative to many vanilla recipes, while not removing the original recipes. These new alternatives might save you resources, might save you time, or might just save some logistic trouble. Often, it does one at the expense of the others. Supports both normal and expensive mode recipes! 22 recipes as of the initial release, each with their own benefits, trade-offs, and new ratios. Build items without intermediate products, skip lower tier items, or make the first two science packs with very different materials!
Contains one new building, the blast furnace, which allows steel production from 4 iron ore and 1 coal, and doesn't require separate fuel. It can only produce steel, and is otherwise identical to a steel furnace, including the recipe. (See the attached picture, left side)
Contains one new item, uranium shotgun shells. With double the damage per projectile and 25% more projectiles over the piercing shells it can mow down even the largest of biters and worms and trees with ease. (See the attached picture, second from left)
As the first bit says, this is kind of a beta release while I gather feedback on what works and what doesn't. The piercing magazine alt in expensive mode is VERY out of whack due to the increased steel cost, but otherwise normal and expensive mode should have very similar costs. I REALLY want to make more alt science pack recipes, but those are harder to balance, especially since after green recipes get heavily divided between needing any 1 to 4 of blue/military/yellow/purple.
[0.17+] Alternate Recipes - WIP
[0.17+] Alternate Recipes - WIP
- Attachments
- Demonstration of a couple of the new recipes. Blast furnace on the left, uranium shot shells next to them.
- Alt_Recipe_Preview.jpg (754.76 KiB) Viewed 754 times