Completely hiding shortcuts

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Completely hiding shortcuts

Post by raiguard »

While I have been developing Editor Extensions, I have found myself wishing I had more control over the shortcut bar. For example, I wish to add a tool that lets you quickly and easily remove all fluid from a fluid system (this has been done before in other mods such as Picker, but I think it would be a useful addition in my mod as well). However, since it's Editor Extensions, I wish for that tool only to be accessible in the map editor.

You can already disable/enable shortcuts, but you can't get rid of them entirely. I would like to request this ability. Something like get_shortcut_visible() and set_shortcut_visible().

I do realize that this might cause some headaches with shortcut ordering, but I figured I would request it anyway. Maybe we could get API methods for manipulating the shortcut order as well? :D


EDIT: I just realized that my example usecase doesn't need a shortcut at all, but I would still like to request this anyway. :)
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