Mining recipes

Things that we aren't going to implement
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Mining recipes

Post by Rems19 »

Adding a recipe-like system for mining.

The resources would no longer specify required fluids. Example for the uranium :

Code: Select all

    type = "resource",
    name = "uranium-ore",
    minable =
      mining_particle = "stone-particle",
      mining_time = 2,
      -- result = "uranium-ore",		No longer needed
      -- fluid_amount = 10, 			No longer needed
      -- required_fluid = "sulfuric-acid" 	No longer needed
The mining recipe would be defined else-where :

Code: Select all

    type = "recipe",
    name = "uranium-ore",
    category = "mining",
    resource = { "uranium-ore", 1 }, -- can be resource = "uranium-ore", for short
    ingredients =
    	{ type="fluid", name="sulfuric-acid", amount=10 }
    result =
        { type="item", name="uranium-ore", amount=1 } -- could be simplified if single item result
This would allow for way more customization as it would benefit from per recipe emissions, custom input and output. We could for example make a "clean miner" that takes water to mine base ores and pollute less, we could make the burner miner less relevant by making it output 1 ore for 2 mined, etc. The possibility are endless.

Thanks for reading! The way I propose to do it is probably not the best but it gives an idea of the customization I'd like to see.
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Re: Mining recipes

Post by Rseding91 »

This isn't likely to ever happen. It would break literally every mod out there and add in a lot of overhead to the mining system for things the base game would never use.

Recipes are recipes and define how things get crafted. Mining is a completely different system and we aren't going to be merging them together - sorry.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Joined: Mon Oct 28, 2019 1:25 pm

Re: Mining recipes

Post by Rems19 »

Would there be any solution to add customization to mining then or will it stay something that's never going to be part of the modding API?
That's sad to close a whole part of the game to customization.
As stated in this post that made me create this thread, the only way at the moment to do something like that is a really nasty hack.

Thanks for your quick reply though!
Factorio Staff
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Re: Mining recipes

Post by Rseding91 »

Rems19 wrote: Wed Oct 30, 2019 1:56 pm Would there be any solution to add customization to mining then or will it stay something that's never going to be part of the modding API?
That's sad to close a whole part of the game to customization.
As stated in this post that made me create this thread, the only way at the moment to do something like that is a really nasty hack.

Thanks for your quick reply though!
Not likely. That's not an aspect that we're looking to add more complexity to.

I don't agree with the "close a whole part of the game to customization". We could have made it so you can't define mining results for any entity and it would always produce what was used to build it. Or we could have forced every entity to take exactly 1 item and produce 1 item when mined. Or made it so mining times are always 1. There's loads of customization options for mining.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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