[0.17.69] "Campaign / Introduction" feedback

Suggestions relating to the Introduction and Campaign mode in Factorio
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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[0.17.69] "Campaign / Introduction" feedback

Post by gth »

I held off on 0.16 - finally got the automatic upgrade to stable 0.17 release, so I did the introduction campgain. Thoughts below -

* A very, very basic introductory message might explain to press W, A, S and D (maybe if the player doesn't move for 30-60 secs?). Not sure if this is already built, and I just didn't see it.

* Lots of popups appear in order to explain things that you can't yet see - for example the first time you press E, the popup appears but not the investory window, so what the popup is trying to explain isn't yet visible. Might be more intuitive if the inventory screen appeared, and *then* the explanatory chat bubbles apppear over it or near it. A similar guided introduction to GUI elements is often used by Google - and you click "Got it" when you understand the explanation.

* I have kids so game interruptions are common; biters are pesky and destroy lots when I forget to pause. Totally my fault, no argument. :) I once went back to an old save file, because the base was destroyed in all three autosaves (nappy changing takes ages sometimes) ! What if after two auto-saves are completed with nil user activity, it pauses the game and prompts if you wish to continue? (kind of like Netflix, "Are you still there?"). A feature only for in the Introduction though.

* Iron Chests and Steel Chests never appeared? Not sure if there's a secret 0.17 mechanic to get to those now. Can't see them in the build window, nor did I read any explanation on where to find them (honestly miss the 0.16 tabbed groupings of items, but perhaps that's a religious debate; it *was* easier to find everything in one screen during the early stages).

* I agree with other comments about the bottom utility bar appearing without explanation (was it the improvement in your "suit" that enabled more character-created items, a'la green circuits?). Might be helpful if hotkeys were explained in stages - Stage 1: just a single row, with a few boxes pre-filled with items you're currently up to in the campaign (i.e. no "1", "2" or ALT buttons). Stage 2, additional row appears after "Compilatron has repaired more of your suit", and add the ALT button. Then maybe add the 1 and 2 icons.

* The large shipwrecks ..."might contain some useful items" ...but they don't. Maybe this should be worded as "might have some useful items nearby" (because the items are in the chests or obtained via the scrap items.

* Is the mechanic of how biters create new spawners locked in? Seems like several of them must martyr themselves and a new spawner will then appear. What if they burrow into the ground or something? Maybe a 'queen biter' is birthed at a (distant) spawner, finds the new spot, and then coccoons herself into a new spawner bubble? Apologies if this has already been discussed and decided elsewhere; first time I saw it, in the 'cut scene' part of the intro' campaign.

* Can the speed of running quietly improve as the campaign goes on? Just minor improvement. I found myself wondering if 0.17 added a "inventory affects movement speed" mechanic, because I'm so used to power-suit movement modules.

Just some initial thoughts.

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