LTN or TSM?.. need help choosing!

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Burner Inserter
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LTN or TSM?.. need help choosing!

Post by Mythiey »

Hey guys, gals, and everyone in between!

In starting a new world on monday, and in trying to throw together a "pack".

Just a few little mods to improve life, e.g. construction drones, afraid of the dark. Squeak through etc..

But am stuck upon which train mod to use. LTN or TSM.

I have used both very little, I would like the community judgement upon both mods to which is "better"

Also, if anyone has any idea of other mods I could look I to for a long time play..
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Smart Inserter
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Re: LTN or TSM?.. need help choosing!

Post by Optera »

While I am biased towards LTN it all depends on how you plan on using trains and how complex your train network will become.
TSM is based on how most of us use vanilla trains. Full Load at an outpost then wait there until it's needed.
LTN is based on having empty trains waiting at a depot and returning there after the delivery is complete.
Sam Trains is a 3rd option. Same principle as LTN, but lacking advanced features of LTN like mixed deliveries or separated networks.

To me it would be most interesting to see how well they perform when compared directly in similar base designs.
TSM claims to be more performance friendly than LTN, but TSM uses more trains and has them waiting at signals taking up performance in entity/train updates and pathfinder.
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